Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Two extreme facets of Paul's personality are
(a) Eating candy and refusing to work.
(b) Drinking Mountain Dew and wearing make-up.
(c) Studying and reading.
(d) Fighting and swearing.

2. Sedaris attempts to hide his lisp by
(a) Mispronouncing all his words.
(b) Practicing his s-words at home.
(c) Learning as many s-free words as possible.
(d) Refusing to speak during therapy.

3. Sedaris finally recognizes Mr. Mancini as a fellow outsider when
(a) He sees Mancini getting harrassed at the mall.
(b) He recognizes that Mancini does not have any talent.
(c) He sees Mancini shopping in the boys' department for clothes.
(d) He recognizes that Mancini is unhappy in his work.

4. Sedaris wonders at the way Paul and his father
(a) Continue to live under the same roof.
(b) Avoid one another.
(c) Communicate so well.
(d) Have learned to endure one another.

5. Sedaris' friend Alisha describes most people as
(a) Quirky.
(b) Nice.
(c) A handful.
(d) Sweet.

6. One aspect of the food that disturbs Sedaris is
(a) That it is piled in an unrecognizable heap.
(b) That it is arranged to look like a face on his plate.
(c) That it is laid out in a horizontal line.
(d) That it is stacked vertically on his plate.

7. Why are the fishermen interested in Lou Sedaris' equation?
(a) They want to know how much their property would have been worth today.
(b) They want to know why he is drawing in the sand.
(c) They are interested in the number of grains of sand per acre.
(d) They want to know if he is interested in buying property.

8. Rather than sports, Sedaris states that he and his fellow speech therapy students were more interested in
(a) Fighting and lifting weights.
(b) Studying and graduating early.
(c) Playing video games.
(d) Baking, making scrapbooks, and doing art projects.

9. Sedaris describes his guitar teacher as
(a) An expert.
(b) A dwarf.
(c) Short.
(d) A midget.

10. Sedaris compares his father's most recent dog, Sophie, to
(a) A trophy wife.
(b) A capricious young bride.
(c) A substitute wife.
(d) An inexperienced substitute teacher.

11. Sedaris and his father seem to
(a) Have few common interests.
(b) Be angry at each other most of the time.
(c) Try to make each other unhappy.
(d) Have an unusually close realtionship

12. Sedaris decides to make his students more comfortable by
(a) Allowing them to drink in class.
(b) Sharing his private life with them.
(c) Allowing them to smoke in class.
(d) Letting them design the class activities.

13. Mr. Mancini claims to be
(a) A frustrated artist.
(b) A rock star.
(c) A homosexual.
(d) A ladies man.

14. Miss Sampson asks the previous question in order to
(a) Determine whether or not she will like Sedaris.
(b) Trick Sedaris into revealing his disdain for sports.
(c) Get Sedaris talking so she might hear his lisp.
(d) Provoke an argument about football.

15. Miss Sampson believes Sedaris lisps because
(a) He never learned to speak correctly.
(b) He has a lazy tongue.
(c) He wants to stand out among other students.
(d) He cannot hear the sound of his own voice.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sedaris questions

2. The title Sedaris tried to win for sun-bathing was

3. Valencia is

4. The question "Which do you like better, State or Carolina?" refers to

5. Amy Sedaris is fond of

(see the answer keys)

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