Me (Moth) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Amber McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me (Moth) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Amber McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing about Black kids Moth has noticed goes over state lines?
(a) Police profiling of them.
(b) Stories about their triumphs.
(c) Stereotypes about them.
(d) Ideas about their pets.

2. What does Moth tell Sani she does not have that he thinks is unusual?
(a) A phone.
(b) A hairband.
(c) A backpack.
(d) A closet.

3. What did Moth's grandfather teach her about a lot of what people know about moths?
(a) It is magical.
(b) It is fairly comprehensive.
(c) It is fairly accurate.
(d) It is as flimsy as moth's wings.

4. What does Moth replace the thing she takes from Aunt Jack without asking for?
(a) John the Conqueror Root.
(b) A paperweight.
(c) Ice cream.
(d) Tic Tacs.

5. What does Sani say Moth's bones are lovely enough to do?
(a) Carve into piano keys.
(b) Make windchimes out of.
(c) Make jewelry out of.
(d) Bury.

6. What does Moth think Sani sometimes smells like?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Smoke.
(c) Witch hazel.
(d) Alcohol.

7. What color is Moth's hair?
(a) Purple.
(b) Green.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Pink.

8. What does Moth say that Sani's tattoo stands for in Hoodoo?
(a) Love.
(b) It tempts others to do your bidding.
(c) It reveals an artistic temperament.
(d) Heaven.

9. Why is Sani mad at his mother in Part II?
(a) She ripped up his college applications.
(b) She took his car away from him.
(c) She does not stop his stepfather from hitting him.
(d) She told him he must move out.

10. What does Moth do first thing every morning for the ancestors?
(a) Write about them.
(b) Sketch them.
(c) Sing to them.
(d) Offer them food.

11. What does Sani's little sister give him to make him feel better?
(a) A ball.
(b) A CD.
(c) A teddy bear.
(d) A piece of cake.

12. What is one reason Moth thinks she does not fit in at school?
(a) She is smarter than the rest of the kids.
(b) She does not go to school very often.
(c) All her things are secondhand.
(d) She can not speak the language.

13. What does Sani do in Part I that Moth tells him is bad for him?
(a) Picks at his fingernails.
(b) Takes heroin.
(c) Runs too hard.
(d) Smokes cigarettes.

14. Early in Part II, who does Moth imagine a conversation with?
(a) A therapist.
(b) Her best friend.
(c) Her grandmother.
(d) Her mother.

15. Who used to run with Moth every Sunday and Thursday?
(a) Sani.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Moth say her grandfather is in Part I?

2. How does Moth say you come back from a road trip?

3. Where does Moth go after she gets back from looking through Sani's windows in Part II?

4. What does Moth do very rarely even though Sani tries to coax her to do it more?

5. What does Moth do before leaving Aunt Jack's house?

(see the answer keys)

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