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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. After traveling through unyielding desert heat, encountering rattlesnakes and suffering through bouts of paranoia, whom does Mr. McTeague encounter?
(a) Marcus.
(b) Trina's ghost.
(c) The "Other Dentist."
(d) Trina's father.
2. What is most devastating for Trina about her experience with Mr. McTeague?
(a) What the neighbors might think.
(b) Mr. McTeague's leaving.
(c) Mr. McTeague took with him all of her savings.
(d) Mr. McTeague still has no job.
3. What is the historical significance of Mr. McTeague's new job in chapter 20?
(a) Mr. McTeague is going back to heal things up with Marcus.
(b) Mr. McTeague worked as a child in the Big Dipper Mine before being sent away to learn dentistry.
(c) Mr. McTeague worked as a child in Los Angeles.
(d) Mr. McTeague is going back to make amends with the "Other Dentist."
4. At the beginning of Chapter 17, Old Grannis is sad about something he's done. What is it?
(a) He has sold his favorite easy chair.
(b) He sold his binding apparatus.
(c) He has sold his favorite phonograph.
(d) He has decided to move.
5. What disease is Mrs. McTeague diagnosed?
(a) Anorexia.
(b) Blood poisoning.
(c) Dementia.
(d) Cancer.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the doctor's suggestion for saving Mrs. McTeague's life?
2. What do Mr. McTeague and his new companions in Chapter 21 find as they wander through the desert?
3. What happens when Marcus turns to get water from his animal in the desert?
4. What do Mr. McTeague and his companions believe about their big find in the desert?
5. How does Old Grannis react to Miss Baker's offer of tea?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Trina ask of Mr. McTeague before he goes out into the icy, cold rain that further feeds Mr. McTeague's anger?
2. In Chapter 20, what causes Mr. McTeague to take caution, while he alone in his cabin, and what is his reaction?
3. What news does the "Other Dentist" deliver that change's Mrs. McTeague's view of what other people think about the couple's financial situation?
4. What do Marcus and Mr. McTeague fight over as they stand in the desert heat?
5. Who comes to comfort Old Grannis and why?
6. What line of work does Mr. McTeague pursue in Chapter 21, with whom, and what transpires?
7. What action does Old Grannis take that makes him so unhappy?
8. What does Mr. McTeague do after he confronts and kills his wife?
9. What events lead up to Mr. McTeague killing Trina?
10. How does Mrs. McTeague show her emotional descent into becoming a miser?
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