McTeague: A Story of San Francisco Test | Final Test - Easy

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McTeague: A Story of San Francisco Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mr. McTeague feel about Trina after he expresses his feelings about their money?
(a) He now loves Trina, more than ever.
(b) He now ignores Trina.
(c) He now loves in another woman instead of Trina.
(d) He now loathes Trina.

2. How does Mr. McTeague express his feelings to Trina about their money after the mishap during his job hunt?
(a) He says he is angry with Trina and leaves their flat for good.
(b) He tells Trina he is angry with her.
(c) He raises his fist and makes a motion to strike her.
(d) He says he will no longer tolerate Trina hoarding of their money.

3. How much of Trina's lottery winnings is spent on solving the McTeague's housing issues?
(a) None of it.
(b) 5 percent of it.
(c) All of it.
(d) 10 percent of it.

4. What reason does Mr. McTeague's notice from City Hall give for it's message?
(a) Mr. McTeague is no longer allowed to practice because he lacks a formal education.
(b) Mr. McTeague's business has been targeted by the authorities because he works and lives in the same building.
(c) Trina forgot to pay the taxes on the lottery winnings.
(d) Trina submitted an application for her husband to receive an ethical business award.

5. In Chapter 21, what is Mr. McTeague's state of mind?
(a) Frightened.
(b) Happy.
(c) Angry.
(d) Paranoid.

6. How does Miss Baker and Old Grannis having tea change their relationship?
(a) Miss Baker is comfortable, but Old Grannis is uncomfortable.
(b) The two sit together, for the first time, with no wall between them.
(c) The two move around the room restlessly.
(d) The two immediately separate and go back to their flats.

7. At the beginning of Chapter 17, Old Grannis is sad about something he's done. What is it?
(a) He has decided to move.
(b) He has sold his favorite easy chair.
(c) He sold his binding apparatus.
(d) He has sold his favorite phonograph.

8. What disease is Mrs. McTeague diagnosed?
(a) Blood poisoning.
(b) Anorexia.
(c) Dementia.
(d) Cancer.

9. Where do the McTeagues move in Chapter 18?
(a) Marcus's old house.
(b) Zerkow's old house.
(c) The Sieppes' old house.
(d) Old Grannis's old house.

10. How does Mr. McTeague's relationship with his wife change in chapter 16 after he expresses his feelings about their money?
(a) He becomes less and less abusive.
(b) He becomes more and more abusive.
(c) He becomes more and more loving.
(d) He becomes more and more emotionally distant.

11. What are Trina's feelings about Mr. McTeague's notice from City Hall?
(a) Trina is thrilled that her husband is being commended for his work.
(b) Trina is afraid of what may become of herself and her husband if McTeague stops practicing.
(c) Trina is furious with Zerkow and his efforts to derail the McTeague's business.
(d) Trina is afraid of the mob and their ties to Marcus's gambling debts.

12. What does Mr. McTeague do at the end of Chapter 20, when he sees someone coming through the darkness toward his room?
(a) He pleads for mercy.
(b) He shoots blindly into the darkess.
(c) He fights for his life.
(d) He runs away.

13. What event immediately happens to Mr. McTeague after he and his wife move, that causes further tension in the McTeague household?
(a) He has been offered a better paying job elsewhere.
(b) He gets fired.
(c) He gets a raise.
(d) He quits.

14. What animal does Marcus bring with him to the desert?
(a) A mule.
(b) A camel.
(c) A horse.
(d) A pony.

15. What does Marcus decide at the end of Chapter 12?
(a) To ask Augustine to go with him to San Francisco.
(b) To leave San Francisco.
(c) To stay in San Francisco.
(d) To buy a house San Francisco.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Old Grannis react to Miss Baker's offer of tea?

2. What is most devastating for Trina about her experience with Mr. McTeague?

3. What is an unfortunate side-effect of Maria's short-lived dementia?

4. At the beginning of Chapter 15, McTeague is fortunate to find a new job with what type of company?

5. Upon the second notice from City Hall, what does Trina suggest that Mr. McTeague do rather than dip into her lottery winnings?

(see the answer keys)

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