McDonald's: Behind the Arches Test | Final Test - Medium

John F. Love
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

McDonald's: Behind the Arches Test | Final Test - Medium

John F. Love
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a result of Kroc's desire to take McDonald's forward, what did he decide to do to expand his restaurant?
(a) Increase its eliteness.
(b) Target a specific audience.
(c) Advertise.
(d) Reduce menu prices.

2. What type of clothing was particularly effective with the children when McDonald's was developing its first mascot or icon?
(a) A face mask.
(b) Fur.
(c) A clown suit.
(d) A big dress.

3. Who was Frank Cotter?
(a) The lawyer of the McDonald brothers.
(b) The disputer between Kroc and the McDonald brothers.
(c) The judge of the the McDonald-Kroc case.
(d) The lawyer of Kroc.

4. What rumor in the 1970s hurt McDonald's reputation?
(a) That they under cooked their chicken.
(b) That they did not wash their hands.
(c) That their hamburgers were made with worms.
(d) That they violated the health code daily.

5. What famous icon became associated with McDonald's, after being effective with the children?
(a) The farm animals.
(b) Bozo the Clown.
(c) Ronald McDonald.
(d) Sneaky creatures.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Kroc's behind the scene predecessor bring to the company?

2. Who did Turner rely on during financial pressures?

3. What did McDonald's do to solve their staffing policies?

4. What did McDonald's have trouble with in Chapter7?

5. By what time had the McDonald's Operators Association lost its punch?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Kroc attempt to make money when McDonald's had problems despite its operating system?

2. In the 1960s where did McDonald's need to build strength and how did they do it?

3. What nearly happened to McDonald's as Kroc and Sonneborn's conflict grew?

4. What was the result of Sonneborn's and Kroc's separate visions?

5. What association with today's McDonald's took time to develop?

6. What happened to make McDonald's appear to be an unsafe fast food chain?

7. Describe how Kroc obtained the name from the McDonald brothers.

8. Describe the rumor of the mid 1970s and its effect on McDonald's image.

9. Describe where McDonald's directed the media when it focused on Kroc's personal life.

10. After Kroc owned McDonald's incorporated, what did do with its image?

(see the answer keys)

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