M. Butterfly Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

M. Butterfly Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Toulon state will not be part of Gallimard's job requirement?

2. What does Song say is different about Gallimard that made him stand out in her audience?

3. In the stage directions, who does David Henry Hwang compare Song to in appearance?

4. What did Gallimard believe Song was doing before they part ways at the end of Scene 8?

5. What is the famous duet that Pinkerton and Sharpless sing together?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Toulon's view of the Americans and their actions reflect France's opinion of their place in this historic time period?

2. Describe the character of Manuel Toulon.

3. What is the premise for Gallimard's favorite musical, Madame Butterfly?

4. Define the "Rape Mentality" that Song describes in the courtroom.

5. In the end, who does Gallimard cast as the role of Madame Butterfly? Why?

6. What does Song say she wants to do by the end of her encounter with Chin in Act 2, Scene 9? Is this her own choice?

7. What are Chin's plans for Song after her time in the commune?

8. Is it ever clear if Gallimard knew Song was a man?

9. Why does Gallimard want to see Song fully naked?

10. At the end of the opera, Butterfly states that "Death with honor/Is better than life/Life with dishonor." What does she mean and why does she say it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Marc and Gallimard have different points of view on the definition of infidelity and the morals involved with it. Write an essay comparing and contrasting Gallimard and Marc and their view and treatment of women.

1. How does Marc know Gallimard? What is the nature of their relationship? During their friendship, how did their lives differ? More specifically, what were their places within their social circle?

2. How did Marc view women in his youth? How did he treat them? Did this change after he got married? How do these characteristics differ from Gallimard's? How are they similar?

3. What kind of life did Marc lead while Gallimard was in China? How did their relationship change during the course of the play? How did Gallimard conjured image of Marc affect his actions in the play?

Essay Topic 2

Song creates an involved web of lies to trap Gallimard. Song portrays little regard for the lives of others.

1. What are Song's major characteristics? How do those characteristics develop and change as the plot goes on?

2. What are some of the tactics Song uses to get what she wants? How do her needs change?

3. What are Song's motives behind her entrapment of Gallimard? Personal? Political? Do her ethics ever conflict with her goals?

Essay Topic 3

Gallimard claims he is pure imagination. Write an essay on what Hwang meant to portray with this plot development.

1. Do you believe Gallimard knew Song was a man? Cite examples from the story that back your argument.

2. What changes when Gallimard finally sees Song naked? How does he treat Song? How does his opinion on Song changed? According to Gallimard, what was the mistake that Song made?

3. How does Song react to Gallimard's attitude toward him?

4. How does the fantasy world different from the reality of Gallimard's situation? Which does he choose? Why?

5. What does Gallimard mean when he is "pure imagination?"

(see the answer keys)

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