M. Butterfly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

M. Butterfly Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Finish Gallimard's sentence: "Oriental women - when they're good they're very good, but when they're bad..."
(a) "...they're Christians."
(b) "...they're Americans."
(c) "...they're men."
(d) "...they're women."

2. What was NOT waiting for Gallimard back in Paris when he arrived in 1968?
(a) A regular schedule.
(b) Friends and family.
(c) Better Chinese food than he'd eaten in China.
(d) Song.

3. What does Gallimard claim about the Chinese?
(a) They love the white people.
(b) They want to be protected by the Vietnamese.
(c) They love the American president.
(d) They do not like Ho Chi Minh.

4. In what years does Scene 5 take place?
(a) 1960-1965
(b) 1986-present day.
(c) 1961-1963
(d) 1970-1980

5. What secret can't Toulon keep from Gallimard?
(a) He knows Song's work.
(b) He wants to fire Gallimard.
(c) He has heard Gallimard is leaving his wife.
(d) He has heard that Gallimard has a native mistress.

6. What does the banner read that Comrade Chin enters with?
(a) "The Actor Cannot Escape His Fate!"
(b) "The Actor Denies His Heritage!"
(c) "The Actor Renounces His Decadent Profession!"
(d) "The Actor Knows His End is Near!"

7. What does Song realize Gallimard wants her to do?
(a) To want him.
(b) To leave him.
(c) To pleasure him.
(d) To submit to him.

8. What does Gallimard ask Song after they talk about Gallimard's conversation with Helga regarding the doctor visit?
(a) If she wants to marry him.
(b) If he should leave Helga.
(c) If she is happy with him.
(d) If she wants to have his baby.

9. In what year does Scene 8 take place?
(a) 1969.
(b) 1963.
(c) 1965.
(d) 1970.

10. How does Song respond when Chin asks how Song came to live in an exalted position?
(a) "I loved a perfect man!"
(b) "I was a plaything for the Imperialists!"
(c) "I was a plaything for a Frenchman!"
(d) "I was a plaything for the white devils!"

11. What idea of Song's does Gallimard repeat to Toulon?
(a) The Chinese culture is rooted two-thousad years in the past.
(b) The Chinese are afraid of power.
(c) The Chinese miss the old days.
(d) The Chinese are kept ignorant equally.

12. At what point in the plot does Scene 8 pick up?
(a) When Song announced she was pregnant.
(b) Song asked Gallimard to leave Helga.
(c) Song wanted to name the baby Peepee.
(d) Song begged Gallimard to marry her.

13. What does Song say about Chin as she exits?
(a) "What passes as a servant to the people."
(b) "What passes for a man in modern America.
(c) "What passes for a woman in modern China."
(d) "What passes for an officer."

14. What does Chin want Song to find out?
(a) When they will assassinate Chairman Mao.
(b) If America plans on moving into China.
(c) When they will assassinate the President.
(d) When America is planning on bombing Vietnam.

15. What kind of baby does Song want to present to Gallimard?
(a) A big baby.
(b) A beautiful baby.
(c) A baby boy.
(d) A baby with brown eyes.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Song, what does happiness look like?

2. What is the last thing that Helga says to Gallimard?

3. What does Gallimard want Toulon to tell the Americans?

4. What is NOT one of things that Renee's father imports into the Third World?

5. According to the commentary that Gallimard reads in Act 2, Scene 1, what does every man want to do to Pinkerton when they watch Madame Butterfly?

(see the answer keys)

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