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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do the boys of Casterbridge nickname Susan?
2. What is Elizabeth's plan when she hears the reasons for the town bells and music?
3. What does Farfrae do at the hiring market?
4. What does the Scotchman do to get the mayor's attention?
5. What is the relationship like between Susan and Michael?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Solomon Longways view the mayor?
2. A raging bull attacks Lucetta and Elizabeth. Why does hardy use a bull? What symbolism do bulls represent?
3. What is the atmosphere of the furmity tent when Michael offers his wife for sale?
4. Henchard hears from Lucetta and believes he should marry her. At this point, Susan is on her deathbed. Why does Henchard want to marry Lucetta? Is it another obligation? Does he have feelings for her?
5. Although Hardy reveals that Henchard is not in love with Susan, he feels defensive when the boys around town call Susan, "The Ghost". Does he really love her and does not know it? Is he defensive to protect his own name? Is Henchard a better man that he reveals himself to be?
6. When the furmity woman is shown as the defendant, Henchard notices something familiar but the thought flees his mind as quickly as it comes in. How does the furmity woman represent the sale of his wife twenty years ago? How does Henchard's reaction to the furmity woman represent how he feels about the transaction?
7. Elizabeth Jane is very observant of Farfrae and Henchard. What does she notice about their relationship? What are some expectations that come true? Why does the dismissal of Farfrae not so unexpected?
8. When Susan begins her search for Michael, Hardy refers her as Mrs. Newson, for that is what she calls herself. However, in chapter nine, Hardy calls her Mrs. Henchard again for the first time. Why does Hardy return to her first marriage name? How does Susan feel about her role and position at this point?
9. Henchard becomes distraught and angry at the idea that Elizabeth is not his daughter. Out of pride, he does not tell her after the big deal he makes for her to change her name. How does Henchard express his feelings if not in telling her the truth?
10. When Susan is auctioned to Newson, she thinks it is binding. However, Hardy remarks that she is not the only woman to think this way. What does this say about Susan? About the times?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Hardy takes the time to develop the significance of the two bridges over several pages. It is distinct in character between the brick bridge and the stone bridge, in the persons that visit, as well as the bridges themselves. Compare and contrast the two bridges. Discuss the significance of class distinction in Casterbridge and how it relates to the bridges.
Essay Topic 2
Hardy develops characters with complexity. Some play a larger role, but even the smaller roles are there for a reason. Why does Hardy include talk from the townsfolk? What purpose does it serve to hear the chatting of Solomon, Coney, Mrs. Cuxom in the Three Mariners, at the mayor's wedding, and of Susan's last day at the water pump?
Essay Topic 3
In chapter 40, Michael begins to go through a change that is more powerful than previous times. Describe the epiphanies Michael learns about himself in this chapter.
This section contains 1,607 words (approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page) |
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