The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of the townsfolk, who approves Elizabeth's and Donald's courtship?
(a) The lower class women.
(b) The upper class women.
(c) The councilmen.
(d) The men of the Three Mariners.

2. What news does Michael hear at the stone bridge?
(a) Farfrae buys his personal belongings.
(b) Farfrae is mayor.
(c) Jopp knows about the Jersey affair.
(d) Farfrae is hiring corn-trussers.

3. What is Farfrae's reaction when Elizabeth warns him of Henchard's hatred?
(a) Donald feels his suspicions are confirmed.
(b) Donald rudely dismisses her as trivial.
(c) Donald is disbelieving.
(d) Donald already knows from Solomon Longways.

4. What does Farfrae decide to do to avenge his wife's death?
(a) Recruit all the councilman and constables for an investigation.
(b) Nothing because it only prolongs everyone's embarrassment.
(c) Loiter Peter's Finger until information is retrieved.
(d) Offer a monetary award for information.

5. Where does Michael challenge Donald to a fight?
(a) At Farfrae's home.
(b) In the loft.
(c) At the Three Mariners.
(d) At the ring.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucetta do to manipulate Henchard's feelings?

2. What is the people's reaction to the skiff between Michael and Donald?

3. What misunderstood rumor reaches Henchard that makes him angry?

4. How does Lucetta discover the scandal concerns her?

5. What becomes of Weydon-Priors?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 42, Michael disagrees about some of Elizabeth's decisions. How does Michael show that he is actively changing for the better?

2. After a visit to Ten Hatches Hole, Michael goes back to see Elizabeth. Henchard refers to himself as unlearned and ignorant. How does this show how Michael thinks differently of Elizabeth, even though he speaks about himself?

3. Of all the places that Lucetta chooses to meet Michael, why at the Ring? Hardy sets it there in the novel, but Lucetta is unaware that Susan and Michael meet there before. What is the importance of the Ring in this chapter?

4. Henchard reads Lucetta's letters aloud to Farfrae. Although the author is unknown to Farfrae, what do the letters say about the woman who writes them?

5. What is the significance of Psalm 109? Why does the band refuse to play such a song? What is the irony in the lyrics?

6. Lucetta has a brief encounter with Henchard on the farm. In her anger, she is unable to speak her mind right away and leaves. Angry at Henchard's approach, she writes him a letter to stop being so cruel. How does this show Lucetta's inability to think ahead and learn her mistakes?

7. Michael sees his effigy in the river and begins to lose any composure he has left. What is Michael thinking when he realizes what the image is?

8. Donald's singing affects Henchard before he is able to challenge the Scotchman. Why does a song affect him? What is the importance of the particular song?

9. During Henchard's bankruptcy hearing, Michael shows appreciation towards the creditors. Summarize Henchard's last act that evokes sympathy from his creditors.

10. In chapter 32, what is becoming apparent of Elizabeth Jane? How is she changing? Is she the same person as when she lives with Henchard years before?

(see the answer keys)

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