The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Elizabeth receive her new home and money?
(a) She feels out of place in the big house.
(b) She uses it to gain status around town.
(c) She abides by the saying, "Take, have, and keep."
(d) She enjoys the freedom.

2. What consequence occurs when Henchard makes a bad corn deal?
(a) The bank takes possession of his belongings.
(b) The farmers threaten Henchard if they don't get their pay.
(c) Henchard is evicted from his home.
(d) The only person to loan Henchard money is Farfrae.

3. What news are the townsfolk waiting for at the end of chapter 30?
(a) What becomes of the furmity woman.
(b) What becomes of Elizabeth.
(c) Whether Henchard keeps his business.
(d) Whether Donald keeps his business.

4. How does Henchard almost reveal to Elizabeth she is his daughter?
(a) He asks Susan about Elizabeth's hair color.
(b) When Henchard and Elizabeth are in the garden, he talks about the church in Weydon Priors.
(c) He recalls a time of holding her when she is young.
(d) He asks Susan about how Elizabeth handles the voyage to Canada.

5. How does Susan react when Michael admits his guilt for a bad deed he does years before?
(a) She is happy.
(b) She is curious of which bad deed he is speaking of.
(c) She feels guilty for leaving him.
(d) She feels guilty for thinking bad thoughts about him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Farfrae do at the hiring market?

2. What does Lucetta request from Henchard?

3. How are Susan and Elizabeth-Jane evident strangers in Casterbridge?

4. What causes Lucetta to change her mind about marrying Henchard?

5. How does Susan know Michael Henchard is in Casterbridge?

Short Essay Questions

1. Donald Farfrae is a stranger in Casterbridge, yet he decides to help Henchard. This is not a common act between strangers as seen by Henchard's surprise. What does this say about Farfrae's character? Does he really want something or is he really acting as a good Samaritan?

2. Henchard hears from Lucetta and believes he should marry her. At this point, Susan is on her deathbed. Why does Henchard want to marry Lucetta? Is it another obligation? Does he have feelings for her?

3. When Susan is auctioned to Newson, she thinks it is binding. However, Hardy remarks that she is not the only woman to think this way. What does this say about Susan? About the times?

4. At first request, Michael is agreeable to let Elizabeth leave and gain independence. But when the time comes for her to leave, he gets angry and flustered at the idea. Why does Henchard react with such contradiction?

5. At the hiring market, Farfrae and Lucetta witness a farmer who is in a dilemma. Either the farmer loses his sweetheart or fails his father. Lucetta shows concern and Farfrae offers to hire the man close in town so the farmer does not have to choose. What is the motivation behind Donald's decision? Does he really have concern for the farmer? Is it to impress Lucetta instead?

6. When the furmity woman is shown as the defendant, Henchard notices something familiar but the thought flees his mind as quickly as it comes in. How does the furmity woman represent the sale of his wife twenty years ago? How does Henchard's reaction to the furmity woman represent how he feels about the transaction?

7. Before Michael discovers who Elizabeth's real father is, he wants her to legally change her name to Henchard. For whom does he want this? How does Michael regard Elizabeth's feelings in this matter? Is it for them as a relationship as purely for his selfish wants?

8. Henchard shows both happiness and reservations concerning Susan's return. Henchard plans to remarry and care for his family. However, in his note to Susan, he writes, "The news upsets me almost," and in their meeting he states, "But- to lead me into ... this difficulty about our living together ..." What is going through Henchard's mind as he learns of his wife's return? Does he love her or is he obliged to a duty? What causes his reservations?

9. Although Hardy reveals that Henchard is not in love with Susan, he feels defensive when the boys around town call Susan, "The Ghost". Does he really love her and does not know it? Is he defensive to protect his own name? Is Henchard a better man that he reveals himself to be?

10. A raging bull attacks Lucetta and Elizabeth. Why does hardy use a bull? What symbolism do bulls represent?

(see the answer keys)

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