The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Donald show thanks to Henchard for his attempt to help the night Lucetta dies?
(a) Donald offers Henchard a seed store.
(b) Farfrae sends Henchard a foodbasket.
(c) Donald invites Henchard over for supper.
(d) Donald gives a cordial handshake.

2. What does Michael do to further exemplify his selfishness?
(a) Tells Elizabeth to make breakfast despite her sleepless night.
(b) Enter the Farfrae household and demand to know what is going on.
(c) Lies to Newson about Elizabeth.
(d) Ask Elizabeth if Lucetta mentions him on her deathbed.

3. What is Michael's solution to the upcoming disclosure of his lie to Newson?
(a) Henchard writes a note defending his stance to Elizabeth.
(b) Michael coerces Elizabeth to stay with him instead.
(c) Michael intercepts Newson and threatens him.
(d) Henchard decides to leave Casterbridge.

4. What becomes of Weydon-Priors?
(a) It revives when a neighboring town grows nearby.
(b) It is usurped by a large city.
(c) It is bare.
(d) It is unchanged from twenty five years ago.

5. Where is Henchard when the commotions of the scandal are heard from town?
(a) In the loft.
(b) Following Farfrae.
(c) The stone bridge.
(d) The brick bridge.

6. Who warms Donald about the happenings at the Three Mariners?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Lucetta.
(c) Whittle.
(d) Lawyer Joyce.

7. Who helps fund the "skimmity ride"?
(a) A passing stranger.
(b) Jopp.
(c) Unknowingly Farfrae does.
(d) Mrs. Cuxsom.

8. Where does Michael challenge Donald to a fight?
(a) At Farfrae's home.
(b) In the loft.
(c) At the Three Mariners.
(d) At the ring.

9. What does Lucetta do to manipulate Henchard's feelings?
(a) She brushes against his arm when making a request.
(b) She makes herself look tired and plain.
(c) She dresses coquetish.
(d) She winks and smiles when speaking with him.

10. What is Newson's reaction to Henchard's news about Elizabeth?
(a) Not surprised.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Broken-hearted.
(d) Angry.

11. What does Henchard buy for Elizabeth?
(a) A goldfinch.
(b) Books.
(c) A new dress.
(d) Flowers.

12. Why is the skimmity ride important to Jopp?
(a) Jopp feels like a leader for once.
(b) Jopp uses it to blackmail Farfrae.
(c) Jopp uses it to blackmail Lucetta.
(d) The scandal also serves as retaliation.

13. What makes Henchard change his mind about his fight even before it begins?
(a) Donald sings a reminiscent song.
(b) Donald remembers Farfrae gives him a job.
(c) Michael sees Lucetta sitting innocently in the carriage.
(d) Henchard knows he is much too strong for Donald.

14. What does Jopp ask of Lucetta?
(a) Partnership with Farfrae.
(b) A corn-trussing position.
(c) To take Henchard off his hands.
(d) Where Elizabeth is.

15. What surprising news do we hear about Lucetta?
(a) Lucetta and Farfrae are not legally married.
(b) Lucetta leaves a fortune for Elizabeth in her will.
(c) Lucetta has more than one affair.
(d) Lucetta is pregnant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the motive behind the "skimmity ride"?

2. What does Elizabeth think she sees in the loft?

3. Who does Michael turn to when he goes bankrupt?

4. When Henchard meets Lucetta, she reminds him of _________.

5. Why is Farfrae sent away in the first place?

(see the answer keys)

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