The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mayor of Casterbridge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main cause of Henchard's celebration failure?
(a) The set-up is much too far for the majority of the townsfolk.
(b) Bad weather.
(c) The music is not as good as that in Donald's pavilion.
(d) He charges a fee while Donald does not.

2. What is Farfrae's reaction to Henchard's confession?
(a) Farfrae tucks the information away for a future opportunity to enhance his own career.
(b) Surprised, but helpful.
(c) He is able to relate to Henchard, since he is a man with a past as well.
(d) Farfrae no longer respects Henchard.

3. At the scene of the wagon crash, when Henchard's man says the word of Lucetta and Elizabeth Jane are not to be accounted for because all women swoon for Donald, Henchard __________.
(a) Defends the women.
(b) Becomes furious at the reminder and rushes off.
(c) Implores the truth of the statement from the women.
(d) Agrees with him and dismisses the women.

4. What surprises Elizabeth when she goes to see Henchard?
(a) She meets Farfrae unexpectedly.
(b) She discovers she is Henchard's daughter.
(c) Henchard's estate is too large to find him.
(d) She finds out Henchard and Susan are once married.

5. How are Susan and Elizabeth-Jane evident strangers in Casterbridge?
(a) Their accents give them away.
(b) They do not know the whereabouts of Henchard despite his popularity.
(c) They do not know about the bad corn sold to the bakers and millers.
(d) By the way they are dressed.

6. What does Farfrae and Susan observe about Henchard?
(a) Henchard exudes charity to all around him.
(b) Henchard has sudden moods.
(c) Henchard is paranoid.
(d) Henchard is a conman.

7. What rash and regretful decision does Henchard make at Donald's celebration?
(a) Henchard denounces everyone for paying a fee rather than attending his free celebration.
(b) Henchard drinks for the first time since his oath.
(c) Henchard grabs his wife and daughter and leaves vehemently.
(d) Henchard terminates Farfrae's employment.

8. What is Abel's punishment for being chronically late?
(a) He is to sleep in Henchard's barn.
(b) He is laid off.
(c) Lashings.
(d) Going through town without breeches.

9. What do Susan and Michael decide about Elizabeth?
(a) She should stay ignorant of her parents' past.
(b) She deserves to know the truth.
(c) Susan wants Michael to break the news to her.
(d) They intend to tell her after they are remarried.

10. What keeps the Scotchman lingering about the King's Arms?
(a) A discussion on the bad wheat around town.
(b) The King's Arms is the only inn he finds.
(c) The music band gets him curious.
(d) A discussion about the mayor's past.

11. What is Farfrae's initial impression of Elizabeth Jane?
(a) He is attracted, but sets on heading to America.
(b) He finds her below his level.
(c) He does not notice her.
(d) He finds her charming and considers staying for her.

12. What is Elizabeth's plan when she hears the reasons for the town bells and music?
(a) She stays at the Three Mariners.
(b) She congratulates the happy couple immediately.
(c) She moves out of High Place Hall.
(d) She goes to the Ring to seek her mother.

13. What does Farfrae do at the hiring market?
(a) He dissuades those that want to work for Henchard.
(b) He hires a man and his father.
(c) He hires a man and his wife.
(d) He speaks kindly of Henchard to farmers that want Michael's employment.

14. How does Henchard's demeanor toward Elizabeth change when he hears Susan is alive?
(a) He is affectionate and kind.
(b) He is speechless.
(c) He gets upset.
(d) He becomes even more distant.

15. Four pennies are used to keep Susan's eyes closed. What becomes of them after Martha buries them?
(a) Coney digs it out to use for drink.
(b) It rusts and and stays buried with the Romans of historical past.
(c) Elizabeth digs it out to keep.
(d) Abel finds them by accident and brings them back to his mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Elizabeth receive her new home and money?

2. What age is Elizabeth Jane when she and her mother search for Michael Henchard?

3. How does Susan know Michael Henchard is in Casterbridge?

4. Where does Donald set up his new business?

5. What does Susan fear about meeting Michael Henchard?

(see the answer keys)

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