Maurice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Maurice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 1, what are Maurice and his class doing?
(a) Taking a walk.
(b) Going to the auditorium.
(c) They are at recess.
(d) Reading in a classroom.

2. What do we learn about Clive in the beginning of Chapter 12?
(a) He is planning to run away.
(b) He worries about his family often.
(c) He is very religious.
(d) He hates his mother.

3. Who arrived on the same train as Maurice to visit the Durhams?
(a) Mrs. Longshanks.
(b) Mrs. Sheepshanks.
(c) Mrs. Longfellow.
(d) Mrs. Whitman.

4. What happens during dinner at the Halls' house in Chapter 20?
(a) Maurice chokes.
(b) Mrs. Hall has a heart attack.
(c) Clive faints.
(d) Kitty screams.

5. Who prompts a change in Clive in Chapter 24?
(a) Ada.
(b) A Grecian woman.
(c) Clive's mother.
(d) The nurse.

6. Finish this line from Chapter 12: "But _____ meant so much to him he forgot that they were a bewilderment to others."
(a) Books.
(b) Apologies.
(c) Words.
(d) Manners.

7. What intimate thing does Maurice do to Durham?
(a) Hugs him.
(b) Removes an eyelash from his face.
(c) Strokes his hair.
(d) Kisses him.

8. Who is the first person Clive sees when he returns to the Hall home?
(a) Kitty.
(b) Mrs. Hall.
(c) Ada.
(d) Maurice.

9. What does Clive write to Maurice in Chapter 22?
(a) He is staying in Greece forever.
(b) He never wants to see him again.
(c) He has become normal?
(d) He is in love with Ada.

10. At the end of Chapter 1, what does Maurice think about Mr. Ducie?
(a) He is a liar.
(b) He wishes Mr. Ducie was his father.
(c) He is a wonderful man.
(d) He is cruel.

11. What does Clive like about Maurice?
(a) He is attractive and strong.
(b) He is rich.
(c) They have similar family lives.
(d) He is smart and funny.

12. On Maurice's high school graduation day, what does Dr. Barry talk to him about?
(a) Women.
(b) Grades.
(c) College.
(d) Responsibilities.

13. What does Dr. Barry scold Maurice for?
(a) His behavior towards his mother.
(b) His failure to finish college.
(c) His treatment of his sisters.
(d) His relationship with Clive.

14. What does Durham tell Maurice about his Christmas vacation?
(a) His family found out he was gay.
(b) He got into a fight with his mother.
(c) He is never going home again.
(d) He thought of Maurice the entire time.

15. At the end of Chapter 6, what does Maurice hope?
(a) For Durham to like him little by little.
(b) For Durham not to tell anyone about their meeting.
(c) For Durham to leave him alone.
(d) For Durham not to tell anyone he was looking for Risley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Maurice's mother live?

2. What do Clive and Maurice do when the motorbike breaks down?

3. What is Sunnington?

4. At the end of Chapter 2, whom does Maurice think about?

5. What does Maurice tell Durham he believes about in religion?

(see the answer keys)

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