Matigari Test | Final Test - Medium

Ngugi wa Thiong'o
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Matigari Test | Final Test - Medium

Ngugi wa Thiong'o
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the old woman tell Matigari will happen to him if he continues to wander the woods alone in search of truth and justice?
(a) He will get arrested.
(b) He will find what he seeks.
(c) He will end up in an early grave.
(d) He will end up like her.

2. What emblem is on the Minister of Truth's tie?
(a) A radio.
(b) A rifle.
(c) A parrot.
(d) A shepherd's crook.

3. When does the Minister of Truth say was the day the freedom fighters left the forest?
(a) The day of the factory strike.
(b) The day Matigari left.
(c) The day of the country's independence.
(d) The day Settler Williams was killed.

4. What does the student shout after the verdict is announced?
(a) The people shall continue.
(b) Victory belongs to the people.
(c) Down with foreign greed.
(d) Triumph is in the hands of the patriots.

5. Why does the Minister say the factory will take back all workers except Ngarũro wa Kirĩro?
(a) He refuses to return to work.
(b) He was the ringleader of the factory strike.
(c) He is dead.
(d) He is now working for the government.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Matigari, Gũthera and Mũriũki decide they will spend the night after Matigari escapes from the hospital?

2. Who does the voice plead with the people to bring to the police station in Part III?

3. Who does the chief of police say do not go mad?

4. Why is Matigari said to be "particularly dangerous" (115) when his escape is announced?

5. What does Gũthera think will happen to the woman in the Mercedes when she goes home to her husband?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Matigari do with his belt of peace while in the mental hospital at the start of Part III? Why?

2. What does the Provincial Commissioner announce a ban on during the Minister's meeting? What does he change the name Trampville to and why?

3. Who does the priest tell Matigari he must go to if he wishes to find truth and justice?

4. What does the Member of Parliament say is the root cause of poverty and how does he plan to solve this problem?

5. What does the Minister of Truth tell his audience he and John Boy Junior have in common? What does he say happened to John Boy Junior's father?

6. What does the teacher tell Matigari when he goes to him after speaking to the student in Part II? What advice does he give Matigari?

7. What does Gũthera say she has felt since Matigari saved her life? How does she speak about the female experience after she helped Matigari escape from the mental hospital?

8. Who does the Minister of Truth tell the audience "the country's... welfare and stability are dependent on" (97) after Matigari is arrested?

9. What is different about the student when Matigari finds him in Part II after speaking to the old woman in the wilderness? Why?

10. What does Ngarũro wa Kirĩro say after the Minister of Truth says he will be the only factory worker not allowed to return to work?

(see the answer keys)

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