Matched Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Ally Condie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Matched Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Ally Condie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1-7

• Cassia in on an air train on her 17th birthday with her best friend, Xander, and shows him an artifact--a compact--given to her by her Grandfather.

• Cassia uses her compact to carry her three emergency tablets and Xander shows his artifact, a pair of platinum cufflinks.

• Cassia and Xander arrive at City Hall for her Match Banquet where each girl to be Matched stands up to face a screen which shows her the face of her Match.
• Once a Match is made, each young person receives a silver box holding the information about the Match.

• When it is Cassia's turn to learn about her Match, the screen is blank which means that her Match is in the room.

• Cassia's Match is Xander, and they are both happy. Cassia doesn't need to open the silver box because she has known Xander since childhood.

• Even though Cassia is...

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