The Master Builder Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Builder Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Act 1, Part 1

• Brovik, Ragnar and Kaia work at their desks in Solness's office. Ragnar tells them he cannot stand working in the office any longer and Kaia and Ragnar suggests that he goes home. Brovnik says he will not go until he has spoken to his boss.

• Solness enters the office. He talks to Kaia and Ragnar before Brovik insists they have a word alone.

• Brovik asks Solness to give Ragnar more work. Brovik admits that he is dying, but before he goes, he wants to see his son happy and married.

• When Brovik suggests that Solness hands Ragnar his current commission, Solness accuses him of trying to force him to make room for the younger generation. Solness tells Brovik he must face death as best he can.

• Solness tells Ragnar to take his father home, leaving himself and Kaia alone in the office. Kaia tell Solness she...

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