Mary Barton Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mary Barton Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What information does Jem decide not to share with John Barton?
(a) The Mary is emigrating.
(b) That Margaret has died.
(c) That he and Mary are married.
(d) That Mary is very ill.

2. What impression does Mr. Bridgenorth get from meeting Jem?
(a) That Jem knows something about the murder.
(b) That Jem is capable of murder.
(c) That Jem is not capable of murder.
(d) That Jem is scared of going to jail.

3. After learning the identity of his son's murderer, what does Henry Carson do?
(a) Henry visits his lawyer.
(b) Henry contacts the police.
(c) Henry visited Harry's grave.
(d) Henry goes home and reads the bible.

4. Where is Harry Carson murdered?
(a) In his house.
(b) In the woods.
(c) In the factory.
(d) In the street.

5. What is the family name of the old boatman?
(a) Sturgis.
(b) Wentworth.
(c) Bennet.
(d) Knightly.

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the Carson sisters?
(a) Emma.
(b) Sophy.
(c) Helen.
(d) Amy.

7. Who recommends that Mary be the one to track down Will Wilson?
(a) Jane.
(b) Mary.
(c) Margaret.
(d) Job.

8. What does Mary admit in her testimony?
(a) That she loves Jem.
(b) That she loved Harry Carson.
(c) That her father killed Harry Carson.
(d) The she killed Harry Carson.

9. What does Sally ask Mary about her trip to Liverpool?
(a) When she will leave.
(b) How long she will be.
(c) If she will shop while there.
(d) What she will wear.

10. On what condition will Miss Simmonds welcome Mary back to her seamstress job?
(a) On the condition that Mary take a pay cut.
(b) On the condition that Mary ends her association with Jem.
(c) On the condition that Mary behaves herself.
(d) On the condition that Mary gets married.

11. Whose handwriting does Esther recognize on the piece of paper?
(a) Henry Carson's.
(b) Her father's.
(c) Sally's.
(d) Jem Wilson's.

12. After Mary's boat has reached the John Cropper, how does Will say he will return to shore?
(a) He will swim.
(b) He will continue his journey until the boat reaches its destination.
(c) In the pilot's boat.
(d) He will return by land at the next stop.

13. What does the young boy that Mary runs into in the street beg her for?
(a) Water.
(b) Money.
(c) Food.
(d) Shoes.

14. How much money does Job offer Charley to escort Mary home should she show up at the Jones'?
(a) Ten pence.
(b) Eight pence.
(c) Six pence.
(d) Twelve pence.

15. Why does Sally Leadbitter go to Mary's house in Chapter 25?
(a) Sally misses Mary.
(b) Sally has news to share.
(c) Sally is bored.
(d) Sally wants to hear gossip.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Liverpool, to where does Mary ask directions from a police officer?

2. How is the house that Mary is taken to described in Chapter 31?

3. Who does Mary see is slowly dying in Chapter 22?

4. What obstacle must Will's ship overcome before sailing out to sea?

5. Who does Mary think the woman at her door at the end of Chapter 20 is?

(see the answer keys)

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