Marx for Beginners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marx for Beginners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Marx concerned himself less with making a living than doing what?
(a) Spending time in nature.
(b) Asking the meaning of life.
(c) Partying.
(d) Making art.

2. Where were these terms located?
(a) In his text books.
(b) In his plays.
(c) In his stories.
(d) In his writings.

3. How important was Hegel to Marx?
(a) He was not known by Marx.
(b) He was a big influence on Marx.
(c) He was somewhat important.
(d) He was not important to Marx.

4. Rius suggests what about non-Communists?
(a) They spend their time arguing about Communism.
(b) They hate Marx.
(c) They do not understand Marx.
(d) They are all conservatives.

5. How did Marx live for the rest of his life?
(a) In Paris.
(b) In the United States.
(c) In poverty.
(d) In hiding.

6. For whom did Engels work for awhile?
(a) Marx.
(b) His uncle.
(c) His father.
(d) His brother.

7. Why were there times when Marx could not leave the house?
(a) He was afraid of creditors.
(b) His clothes were at the pawnshop.
(c) He had nowhere to go.
(d) He was afraid of being murdered.

8. For whom did Marx and Engels write this?
(a) The Communist League.
(b) The Anarchist League.
(c) The Surrealist League.
(d) The League of Nations.

9. How many of Marx's five children die from lack of medication?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

10. What did Rius want to do regarding Marx?
(a) Understand him better.
(b) Encourage others to be interested in Marxism.
(c) Promote communism.
(d) Help others understand him better.

11. What does Rius attempt to do with these terms?
(a) Categorize them.
(b) Make them easier to understand.
(c) Organize them.
(d) Alphabetize them.

12. How does Rius describe Marx?
(a) As crazy.
(b) As an interesting man.
(c) As very confused.
(d) As an important thinker.

13. It is important to also look at Hegel's predecessors such as whom?
(a) Ethan Cantor.
(b) Nathaniel Canton.
(c) Emmanuel Kent.
(d) Immanuel Kant.

14. Marx and Engels were commissioned to write what?
(a) The Surrealist Manifesto.
(b) The Anarchist Manifesto.
(c) The Cartagena Manifesto.
(d) The Communist Manifesto.

15. What did Marx do even when he was misunderstood?
(a) He became less radical.
(b) He stayed in Germany.
(c) He continued his work.
(d) He supported capitalism.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Rius plan on attempting to do the answer to number 21?

2. What does this approach do for Rius?

3. In Paris, Marx met the German, _____________, who has a significant impact on Marx.

4. Marx was most attracted to which of Hegel's philosophies?

5. How did Marx's father feel about him studying philosophy?

(see the answer keys)

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