Marx for Beginners Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marx for Beginners Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5 (pg. 95-123).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The capitalist gets richer, while the worker struggles to keep pace with basic needs. This led Marx to what idea?
(a) Worker value.
(b) Decrease value.
(c) Surplus value.
(d) Training value.

2. How did Marx's father feel about him studying philosophy?
(a) He was very pleased.
(b) He was perplexed.
(c) He was not pleased.
(d) He did not have an opinion on the matter.

3. Rius argues that Marx has done what?
(a) Made the world a simpler place.
(b) Made the world a complicated place.
(c) Made the world a scarier place.
(d) Made the world a better place.

4. What did Pythagoras argue?
(a) The earth is round.
(b) Formulas can be used in mathematics to discover new answers.
(c) The earth was not at the center of the universe.
(d) The earth is the center of the universe.

5. One of the aspects of most religions was a faith in some sort of afterlife. How did the Egyptians believe they had the hope of a better afterlife?
(a) If they treated others well.
(b) If they put up with slavery during their lives.
(c) If they were wealthy.
(d) If they built a tomb for themselves.

Short Answer Questions

1. Giambattista Vico produced some _____________________ during this time, although he is not as well-known.

2. Why is a worker's labor power a commodity in a capitalist state?

3. Increasing the efficiency of the work and the worker's productive output does what?

4. Capitalism will need to be replaced by what?

5. The terms "the left" and "the right" were coined when?

(see the answer key)

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