Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Hard

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Test | Final Test - Hard

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to Jenny at the beginning of Chapter 14?

2. Why were the news media at the hospital when their second baby was born?

3. Because of Marley's misbehavior around the time of their second son's birth, what did John decide to do?

4. What had happened in that town on September 11, 2001?

5. What did the Grogans really want for their third child?

Short Essay Questions

1. Due to Marley's continuing bad behavior, John decided to read a book on dog training called No Bad Dogs. Who wrote the book and what did the author say about badly behaved dogs?

2. The Grogans went to Disney World just before Christmas, 2003. What happened to Marley just after they came back? What do John and Jenny decide to do about Marley?

3. What did Patrick and Conor expect to see in their new home state and why?

4. Jenny started feeling labor pains at twenty-one weeks into her third pregnancy. What was the result of this for Jenny and for John, Patrick, and Marley?

5. The summer after John started his new job in Philadelphia, Jenny took the kids to visit her sister in Boston. What did John have to do about Marley?

6. What happened soon after John's visit to Shanksville that reinforced his conviction that Marley was living on "borrowed time"?

7. What is the end result of the movie, The Last Home Run?

8. What happened when Jenny was allowed to get up after being in bed for twelve weeks during her pregnancy with Conor?

9. What decision did the Grogans make soon after moving to Boca Raton? How did their friends react?

10. What were four reasons the Grogans decided to move to Boca Raton?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Define "creative nonfiction" and explain how it applies to Marley & Me. Explain how the book differs from traditional nonfiction with supporting arguments. Explain how it differs from fiction, with supporting arguments.

Essay Topic 2

State the theme of Marley & Me. How is the theme of the story reflected in the conflict John Grogan experiences with Marley? Give four examples with an explanation for each one.

Essay Topic 3

Define "the writer's purpose" and give four examples of different genres of writing and explain the writer's purpose for each one. Apply the definition to Marley & Me and discuss John Grogan's purpose in writing the memoir and if you think he has succeeded, with examples to back up your assertion.

(see the answer keys)

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