Marley and Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Marley and Me Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

John Grogan (journalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Twelve: Welcome to the Indigent Ward and Chapter Thirteen: A Scream in the Night.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Marley was named after the late singer Bob Marley. What kind of music did he make?
(a) Jazz.
(b) Hip-hop.
(c) Reggae.
(d) Classical.

2. When did John go to help his neighbor in response to her screams?
(a) One cool October morning.
(b) One rainy November evening.
(c) One cold December afternoon.
(d) One hot October night.

3. What did John call his first dog?
(a) Shifty Shaun.
(b) Simply Shaun.
(c) Saint Shaun.
(d) Silent Shaun.

4. What was the first thing John and Jenny fought about regarding the puppy?
(a) What to name him.
(b) Who would be his vet.
(c) Where he would sleep.
(d) How to get him housebroken

5. How did John's father react when Shaun died?
(a) He put a notice in the newspaper.
(b) He bought John a new dog.
(c) He cried.
(d) He put up a plaque on the doghouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were John and Jenny's occupations when they adopted Marley?

2. How did John and Jenny teach Marley how to retrieve?

3. At Marley's second obedience class, what was being taught?

4. On their way back from teaching Marley how to retrieve, who did John compare Marley to?

5. What gift to Jenny did Marley eat that had John watching the dog's bowel movements for a few days?

(see the answer key)

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