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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How did the captain of the schooner respond to Twain's constant complaints during the voyage in chapter 18?
2. How did the Emeline compare to the previous vessel that Twain had been on?
3. What extra food did the captain make for Twain during his trip to Hawaii in chapter 18?
4. What state did Twain compare Hawaii's sugar production with in chapter 23?
5. What were the women that Twain saw by the temple wearing in chapter 21?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who was Charlton and why was he sued in Hawaiian courts?
2. What was the schooner, the Boomerang, like and why did Twain have difficulty sleeping on his voyage?
3. Why did Twain's disappointment of the crater of Kilauea change in chapter 25?
4. Which parts of the princess's ceremony were not appreciated by Twain?
5. What was it about Hawaii's sugar production that impressed Twain in chapter 23?
6. How was Captain Cook murdered?
7. What did Twain and Mr. Brown see at the city of refuge in chapter 22?
8. What was Mr. Brown trying to steal in chapter 20?
9. Why was the attempt by Twain and Mr. Brown to get food in chapter 20 humorous?
10. How did the survivors of the Hornet reach the shore of Hawaii?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe Twain's objections to the naming of the Pacific Ocean, using his experience aboard the Ajax as his motivation. Also, provide an explanation of how the Pacific actually received its name, who named it, and what you think some of the possible reasons were for naming it the Pacific.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the tale of Charlton and Paulet, based on the accounts that Twain provided in his letters, including why Twain chose to write about them, the points that he made in describing the events that took place, and what they represented for the island of Hawaii.
Essay Topic 3
Analyze the tragic story of the Hornet as it was presented in Twain's letter. Include Twain's main source of information, the events that caused the Hornet to catch fire, the obstacles that the crew faced on the Pacific, the integral part that the Captain had in their survival, and how the survivors were ultimately guided to the Hawaiian shore.
This section contains 800 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |