Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where had Mr. Holmes spent every Christmas of his childhood?
(a) At the orphanage.
(b) At his grandfather's home.
(c) At his uncle's home.
(d) At the Howth home.

2. Why does Margret think Mr. Holmes has come to her house tonight?
(a) To give her a check for the House of Refuge.
(b) To announce his wedding plans.
(c) To ask the Howth family to Christmas dinner.
(d) To bring gifts for everyone.

3. What are Miss Herne's feelings toward Mr. Holmes now?
(a) She is with him constantly.
(b) She has no more interest in him.
(c) She is waiting to see if he recovers.
(d) She can't wait until they can be married.

4. Margret says that she asked ______________ to show her what she should be doing with her life and working with the poor is the answer.
(a) Mrs. Howth.
(b) Mr. Howth.
(c) Dr. Knowles.
(d) God.

5. Which of the following does NOT describe how Margret behaves toward Mr. Holmes?
(a) Eager.
(b) Gracious.
(c) Cool.
(d) Courteous.

6. Which of the following characteristics does Miss Herne NOT expect of Mr. Holmes?
(a) Greedy.
(b) Compassionate.
(c) Ambitious.
(d) Vain.

7. Who has agreed to work with Dr. Knowles at his new institution?
(a) Mrs. Howth.
(b) Lois.
(c) Mr. Holmes.
(d) Margret.

8. What is Lois doing at the beginning of Chapter 6?
(a) Unhitching her horse from the wagon.
(b) Loading her wagon with produce.
(c) Heading back to town in her wagon.
(d) Counting her day's profits.

9. What does Lois do after her father walks her home?
(a) Goes to sleep.
(b) Secretly follows him back to the mill.
(c) Sets out the breakfast dishes.
(d) Loads her wagon for deliveries.

10. Who does Lois see in an approaching carriage?
(a) Dr. Knowles.
(b) Mr. Holmes.
(c) Mr. Howth.
(d) Miss Herne.

11. What is Lois' philosophy?
(a) What goes around comes around.
(b) A bird in the hand is worth one in the bush.
(c) You reap what you sow.
(d) Everything will turn out in time.

12. What does Mr. Holmes throw over in order to achieve his objectives?
(a) Compassion.
(b) Intellect.
(c) Religion.
(d) Family.

13. What must Dr. Knowles now do since he has lost everything in the mill fire?
(a) Teach medicine.
(b) Return to school.
(c) Practice medicine.
(d) Rebuild the mill.

14. What are Lois and Joe doing as Chapter 7 begins?
(a) Delivering produce.
(b) Eating dinner.
(c) Keeping watch at the mill.
(d) Going to church.

15. Which of the following does Mr. Holmes NOT admit to Margret?
(a) He never loved her.
(b) He has ambitions.
(c) He still loves her.
(d) He did love her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dr. Knowles capitalizes on Margret's ____________________.

2. Dr. Knowles knows that Margret is capable of _______________.

3. What type of institution does Dr. Knowles plan to open?

4. Where is Margret when Mr. Holmes finds her?

5. Who does Lois save from the fire at the mill?

(see the answer keys)

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