Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During her life as Abby, Catherine says she lived in what state?
(a) Georgia
(b) North Carolina
(c) Virginia
(d) Ohio

2. Dr. Weiss believes what is true about the messages from the Masters?
(a) They are teachings of writers Catherine has read
(b) They do not originate with Catherine
(c) They are a hoax
(d) They are meant to deceive Dr. Weiss

3. Catherine explains that her last life was more difficult because she lacks faith in what or whom?
(a) the Masters
(b) God
(c) those around her
(d) her father

4. Vices not resolved or corrected are what?
(a) reasons for death
(b) reasons for not moving to another life
(c) carried on to the next life
(d) given to some other soul

5. To experience an in between state, Catherine must first do what?
(a) Go through a past life
(b) Tell a life story
(c) Hear a particular phase
(d) Tell Dr. Weiss something about his past

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Dr. Weiss wonder about meeting in a former life?

2. In chapter 2 Catherine has been in therapy for how many months?

3. In her next past life Catherine describes being in a building that has what shape?

4. Early in chapter 3, Catherine proclaims that she no longer has a fear of what?

5. Prior to their first meeting, when the author first observes Catherine she is doing what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Dr. Weiss tells us about how Catherine was led to seek him out as her doctor?

2. When Catherine says she is working for priests in a past life, describe what she is doing.

3. Why is it significant that Catherine has a conservative Catholic background?

4. Does Dr. Weiss think that Catherine is getting any positive benefit from the sessions?

5. Describe Catherine.

6. What other actions does Dr. Weiss take to try to make sure he is being objective in his views of reincarnation?

7. Why are the vivid details which Catherine supplies significant to Dr. Weiss?

8. What do you think is the importance of the fact that Catherine says she has had 86 past lives?

9. Why do you think Dr. Weiss invites his wife to witness some of the sessions?

10. Briefly describe the death experience Catherine has at the end of her life as a leper.

(see the answer keys)

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