Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Many Lives, Many Masters Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian L. Weiss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Dr. Weiss, he and Catherine are doing what?
(a) growing farther apart
(b) learning together
(c) getting to know each other better
(d) getting better at entering past lives

2. Catherine reaffirms the idea that you move on by doing what?
(a) becoming more religious
(b) learning the lessons
(c) experiencing death
(d) being born

3. The psychic puts someone into a trance, who is it?
(a) Dr. Weiss
(b) Dr. Weiss's wife
(c) Catherine
(d) herself

4. In a dream Catherine tells Dr. Weiss about, she is struggling with what animals?
(a) snakes
(b) rats
(c) a pack of wolves
(d) spiders

5. During her regression, Catherine encounters Edward, who says he will help her sister do what?
(a) improve her marriage
(b) reconnect with her daughter
(c) find a new job
(d) overcome an addiction

6. This course and understanding more about Catherine's regressions helped Dr. Weiss's mother-in-law to do what?
(a) get better results from her medical treatment
(b) experience her past lives
(c) gain strength during the dying process
(d) understand Dr. Weiss better

7. Catherine enters another past life and identifies a man who is her _________________ in her present life.
(a) boyfriend
(b) grandfather
(c) father
(d) son

8. When does Catherine say she will remember all her lives?
(a) when she enters the spiritual state
(b) when it is important for her to remember
(c) she never will remember
(d) when she becomes a Master

9. Dr. Weiss believes that psychic powers are what?
(a) worthy of future research
(b) a hoax
(c) unquestionable
(d) useless

10. The Masters tells Dr. Weiss that we can continue to do what when we return to the spiritual state?
(a) envy
(b) hate
(c) grow and learn
(d) see the importance of time

11. The poet Master tells Dr. Weiss that he should continue to learn by listening to what?
(a) Catherine
(b) voices
(c) his own intuition
(d) other patients

12. What ability is an important evolution for every spirit in every plane?
(a) ability to love
(b) ability to go into past lives
(c) psychic ability
(d) ability to be hypnotized

13. Through these experiences with Catherine and his mother-in-law, Dr. Weiss realizes that he can be more effective doing what?
(a) grief counseling
(b) studying past lives
(c) having patience
(d) doing hypnosis

14. Two months after the previous session what does Catherine do?
(a) tells Dr. Weiss this was all a hoax
(b) commits suicide
(c) marries her boyfriend
(d) schedules another appointment

15. In her next past life, Catherine is 13 and is the servant to whom?
(a) a man who is abusive
(b) a king
(c) a lady with a necklace
(d) a priest

Short Answer Questions

1. In one dream the human soul is compared to what object?

2. Catherine shares that this spirit is there to see that she is alright. This causes Dr. Weiss to consider the concept of what?

3. In this chapter Catherine tells Dr. Weiss about a recent event she experienced, what is it?

4. At the end of chapter 13, Catherine returns to a past life she has already visited. In that past life her name is what?

5. In this dream where is Catherine?

(see the answer keys)

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