The Man Who Turned Into a Stick Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Turned Into a Stick Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Boxer ask Mr. Kimura at the start of 'The Cliff of Time'?
(a) What his weight class is.
(b) How his boxing was the other day.
(c) How his day was.
(d) What time the fight starts.

2. What color is the object that boxer wears for good luck?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Red.
(d) Purple.

3. What does the offstage voice tell Boxer it is time for?
(a) It's time to call it a day.
(b) It's time to remember your ancestors and pray.
(c) Let's get ready to rummmmbbbbleeee!
(d) It is time for sparring practice.

4. What object that Boxer is wearing does he claim is good luck?
(a) His shoes.
(b) His socks.
(c) His trunks.
(d) His hat.

5. What does Boxer think the outcome of the fight will be in round one?
(a) He will lose.
(b) It will be a tie.
(c) He will knock out his opponent.
(d) He will win.

6. What does the voice ask Boxer after round 2 ends?
(a) If Boxer wants to lose.
(b) If Boxer understands the coaching advice.
(c) If Boxer is sure he wants to win.
(d) If Boxer is ready to quit.

7. How does the play 'The Cliff of Time' end?
(a) Boxer gets the girl.
(b) Boxer calls for help.
(c) Boxer is called to collect his prize.
(d) Boxer hugs his coach.

8. What message is in the fortune cookies that Boxer opens?
(a) "The tide is coming".
(b) "Great fortune arrives on strange horses".
(c) "A windfall is coming your way".
(d) "Duck".

9. What emotions does Boxer feel in the first round?
(a) He is doubtful and frightened.
(b) He is angry.
(c) He is fearful.
(d) He is both aggressive and cautious.

10. What will happen if Boxer loses this fight?
(a) He will lose his ranking.
(b) People will boo.
(c) He will retire.
(d) His boss will fire him.

11. What is Boxer determined to do the rest of his life?
(a) Eat whatever he wants.
(b) Box.
(c) Coach boxing.
(d) Pray.

12. What does Boxer think about winning?
(a) He only does it for his mother.
(b) It is crucial.
(c) It is a matter of life and death.
(d) It is not important.

13. What does the audience learn is Boxer's motto in round 2?
(a) "Eat, pray, love".
(b) "Fight then pray".
(c) "A day starts with morning"
(d) "A fight begins even before it begins".

14. What does Boxer plead with Mr. Kimura for?
(a) A night out.
(b) Retirement.
(c) Better training.
(d) Another fight.

15. During round one of the fight, what does the voice tell Boxer to do?
(a) Which moves to make.
(b) To fall down.
(c) To bob and weave.
(d) To forfeit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Boxer admit his lifestyle is doing to him?

2. What does Boxer dream of eating one day?

3. What thoughts preoccupy Boxer in round 2?

4. What thoughts preoccupy Boxer in round 3?

5. What does Boxer accept at the end of round 4?

(see the answer keys)

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