The Man Who Turned Into a Stick Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Turned Into a Stick Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 89 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the audience learn about the character named Woman at the opening of 'Suitcase'?
(a) She has 5 children.
(b) She is divorced.
(c) She is married.
(d) She is dying.

2. What does Visitor ask Woman for when the suitcase begins to make noise?
(a) More information.
(b) Her husband's phone number.
(c) A knife.
(d) A kleenex.

3. What does Visitor use to try and open the suitcase?
(a) An ax.
(b) A hairpin.
(c) A hammer.
(d) A nail file.

4. What does the audience learn about the character named Visitor at the start of 'Suitcase'?
(a) She is not married.
(b) She is married.
(c) She is dying.
(d) She has 5 kids.

5. What does the voice say can intimidate a smile?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Fear.
(c) A dark cloud.
(d) Sadness.

6. What question does Woman ask Visitor shortly after revealing the contents of the suitcase?
(a) Whether she should open it.
(b) If she has a suitcase like this.
(c) If she should throw the suitcase away.
(d) Why a suitcase would be in the house.

7. When the suitcase opens what does advice does Woman ask Visitor for?
(a) Whether she should look instead.
(b) Whether she should throw the suitcase away.
(c) What she should do with the contents.
(d) Whether she should marry Man.

8. How does Woman react to Visitor's suggestion about her husband's ancestors?
(a) She screams.
(b) Outraged.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) She begins to cry.

9. What animal does Visitor despise?
(a) Dogs.
(b) Rats.
(c) Cats.
(d) Hamsters.

10. Woman claims the object she brings into the room is one thing. What does the audience watching 'Suitcase' realize the object is?
(a) A suitcase.
(b) A man.
(c) A plate of fruit.
(d) Gold.

11. Why can't Woman ignore the suitcase?
(a) It makes too much noise.
(b) She knows there is money in there.
(c) It is pervasive and asphyxiating.
(d) The color is so pretty.

12. What is the topic of the speech the suitcase makes before being sprayed?
(a) The soul.
(b) Religion.
(c) Money.
(d) Power.

13. How does Visitor think Woman's husband treats his wife in 'Suitcase'?
(a) He loves her.
(b) He hits her.
(c) He worships her.
(d) He ignores her.

14. How many legs does Woman say a spider has?
(a) 9.
(b) 12.
(c) 8.
(d) 6.

15. After asking Visitor if she can keep a secret, what does Woman bring into the room?
(a) Videos.
(b) A diary.
(c) Photos.
(d) A suitcase.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Woman say is inside the suitcase?

2. What does Visitor think is in the suitcase after it makes noise?

3. In the play 'Suitcase', who begins speaking about Mona Lisa?

4. What does Visitor tell Woman the suitcase is testing?

5. Who does the suitcase in the play 'Suitcase' belong to?

(see the answer keys)

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