Mansfield Park Test | Final Test - Medium

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Mansfield Park Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fanny think is "wretched, and how unpardonable, how hopeless, and how wicked..."?
(a) Wasting food.
(b) Marrying without affection.
(c) Mrs. Norris' insults.
(d) Arguing with Sir Thomas.

2. How is it that William gets a leave of absence to visit Fanny in Chapter 24?
(a) He is due a vacation.
(b) Through Henry's intervention.
(c) Fanny requests it.
(d) Sir Thomas knows an admiral who arranged it.

3. What time does Edmund arrive at the Price's house to retrieve Fanny?
(a) Noon.
(b) Dinnertime.
(c) Four p.m.
(d) Eight a.m.

4. Whom does Fanny think her mother resembles?
(a) Her sister, Susan.
(b) William.
(c) Lady Bertram.
(d) Mrs. Norris.

5. From whom does Fanny receive a letter from after Henry has proposed to her?
(a) Maria.
(b) Julia.
(c) William.
(d) Mary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lady Bertram promise to Fanny that she never offered to Maria?

2. What is the name of the card game Lady Bertram chooses to play the first evening they dine at the Grant home?

3. What do Fanny and William say they would like to drink when they arrive at their parents' house?

4. What news does William learn as soon as he arrives at his parents' home with Fanny?

5. What plan does Henry tell Mary about in Chapter 24?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Mary's response when Henry tells her he plans to ask Fanny to marry him?

2. What does Edmund say when Henry asks to rent Thornton Lacey?

3. What does Edmund tell Sir Thomas about Fanny's role in the decision to perform a play in his absence?

4. How does Fanny feel the morning after the ball?

5. How does Fanny react to leading the dancing at the ball?

6. Describe what happens when Henry asks Fanny to marry him.

7. Why does Edmund retrieve Fanny from Portsmouth?

8. Is Sir Thomas surprised to discover that Fanny has no fire in her room?

9. Does Fanny want to return to Mansfield Park?

10. What does Edmund tell Fanny about her decision to refuse Henry's marriage proposal?

(see the answer keys)

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