Mansfield Park Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Mansfield Park Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What month does Sir Thomas plan to return from Antigua?
(a) November.
(b) March.
(c) July.
(d) April.

2. Why does Mrs. Grant not attend the rehearsal?
(a) She and her husband had unexpected visitors.
(b) Mr. Grant is ill.
(c) It is raining heavily and she cannot travel.
(d) She turned her ankle.

3. When does Maria set a tentative date for her wedding?
(a) When her father returns from Antigua.
(b) In six weeks.
(c) As soon as they can arrange it.
(d) The month of February.

4. How does Sir Thomas treat Fanny when she sees him for the first time upon his return home?
(a) Ignores her.
(b) Harshly.
(c) Very kindly.
(d) Politely, but without warmth.

5. What vocation is Edmund planning?
(a) Farming.
(b) Merchant.
(c) Clergy.
(d) Law.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Fanny miss most after she arrives at Mansfield Park?

2. What does Mr. Rushworth forget that he has to run back to his house for when he is walking with Maria and Henry?

3. How does Mary describe Tom's manners in Chapter 5?

4. What does Tom think of his Aunt Norris in Chapter 12?

5. Who is most interested in Mrs. Rushworth's tour of the house and its history?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mrs. Norris bring home from Sotherton?

2. How do Edmund and Maria react when they hear the news of their father's impending return from Antigua?

3. What is Fanny's reaction when she sees the Sotherton chapel?

4. Why is Fanny sitting on a bench in Sotherton Park?

5. What happens when Fanny's pony dies?

6. What do Fanny and Edmund agree on about Mary?

7. Why does Tom dance with Fanny?

8. Why does Fanny Price go to live at Mansfield Park?

9. Why does Mary want to know whether Fanny has been brought out into society?

10. Does Mrs. Norris insult Fanny because she will not act in the play?

(see the answer keys)

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