Mansfield Park Test | Final Test - Easy

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Mansfield Park Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Fanny that William has been promoted?
(a) Edmund.
(b) William.
(c) Henry.
(d) Sir Thomas.

2. When does Sir Thomas plan to fetch Fanny from Portsmouth?
(a) In the summer.
(b) After Easter.
(c) By Christmas.
(d) In three days.

3. What does Henry say he wishes to do with Thornton Lacey the following winter?
(a) Plant crops.
(b) Rent the house.
(c) Raise chickens.
(d) Give Edmund a surprise party.

4. What is the topic of conversation between Edmund and Henry while they are in the drawing room with Fanny and Lady Bertram?
(a) The art of reading.
(b) London.
(c) Horses.
(d) Cigars.

5. Where has Julia asked permission of her parents to go at the beginning of Chapter 29?
(a) Bath.
(b) London.
(c) Mansfield Park.
(d) Sotherton.

6. What does Mary write about Julia in her letter to Fanny?
(a) She made a fool of herself at a ball.
(b) She went home to Mansfield Park.
(c) She is studying acting.
(d) She is being courted.

7. How does Fanny describe Mary's letters to her after she leaves Mansfield?
(a) Boring.
(b) Intelligent.
(c) Suspenseful.
(d) Lively and affectionate.

8. Where does Mary visit with Fanny before she leaves Mansfield Park?
(a) Drawing room.
(b) East Room.
(c) Bedroom.
(d) Breakfast room.

9. Why does Fanny go to Portsmouth?
(a) To visit her family.
(b) To visit Mary's home.
(c) To go to college.
(d) To become a governess.

10. Who are the Owens?
(a) Mansfield Park's manager and his wife.
(b) Family that Edmund stays with in Peterborough.
(c) Groundskeepers at Sotherton.
(d) The Grants' housekeeper and butler.

11. Whom does Sir Thomas criticize for letting his children perform a play?
(a) Lady Bertram.
(b) Mrs. Grant.
(c) Mrs. Norris.
(d) Fanny.

12. What does Fanny think is "wretched, and how unpardonable, how hopeless, and how wicked..."?
(a) Mrs. Norris' insults.
(b) Wasting food.
(c) Arguing with Sir Thomas.
(d) Marrying without affection.

13. What word does Fanny use to describe to Sir Thomas how she would feel being married to Henry?
(a) Bored.
(b) Stifled.
(c) Miserable.
(d) Scared.

14. Who desires to see Fanny dance at a ball?
(a) Sir Thomas.
(b) Henry.
(c) William.
(d) Edmund.

15. What does Mary learn about Edmund the night he and Fanny have dinner with the Grants?
(a) He never wants to marry.
(b) He is engaged to someone else.
(c) He is going to propose to her.
(d) He will be taking his orders soon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Edmund tell Fanny that Sir Thomas thinks about her in Chapter 21?

2. What does Sir Thomas inquire about Maria's wishes regarding her marriage?

3. What plan does Henry tell Mary about in Chapter 24?

4. What time does Edmund arrive at the Price's house to retrieve Fanny?

5. How long does Edmund plan to be gone when he leaves the day after the ball?

(see the answer keys)

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