Mansfield Park Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Mansfield Park Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is most interested in Mrs. Rushworth's tour of the house and its history?
(a) Fanny.
(b) Lady Bertram.
(c) Mrs. Norris.
(d) Maria.

2. Why is Mr. Rushworth pleased with his part as Count Cassel?
(a) He likes being called "Count."
(b) He gets to wear a fancy costume.
(c) He will have the chance to practice his accent.
(d) Cassel was his favorite uncle's last name.

3. What does Fanny think when Edmund decides to accept a part in the play?
(a) She gives him her support.
(b) He has compromised himself for Mary.
(c) She believes he will do a good job.
(d) She laughs at the idea.

4. When does Maria set a tentative date for her wedding?
(a) In six weeks.
(b) As soon as they can arrange it.
(c) When her father returns from Antigua.
(d) The month of February.

5. What does Julia announce to the performers as they rehearse one evening?
(a) Her mother is ill.
(b) Mrs. Rushworth wants to speak with her son.
(c) Her father is home.
(d) Fanny is needed in the kitchen.

6. Why does Tom lead Fanny out to the dance floor after telling her he is glad she doesn't want to dance?
(a) He is in love with Fanny.
(b) He loves to dance.
(c) To get out of playing cards.
(d) He wants to talk privately with Fanny.

7. What passion of Tom's takes him away from Mansfield Park in Chapter 5?
(a) Horseracing.
(b) Buying used books.
(c) Agriculture at their country estate.
(d) Fine art.

8. What does Maria dislike during the ride to Sotherton?
(a) Mrs. Norris' snoring.
(b) Fanny's sniffling.
(c) Henry's attention toward Julia.
(d) Edmund's humming.

9. Who is Mrs. Whitaker?
(a) Housekeeper.
(b) Companion.
(c) Mrs. Rushworth's sister.
(d) Governess.

10. How does Mary describe Tom's manners in Chapter 5?
(a) Rude.
(b) Unrefined.
(c) Agreeable.
(d) Coarse.

11. Who objects to performing the play?
(a) Mary.
(b) Julia.
(c) Maria.
(d) Edmund.

12. What does Tom Bertram do that Sir Thomas has to pay for at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Racks up gambling debts.
(b) Loses his horse.
(c) Forgets to pay his debt to his tailor.
(d) Loses all his schoolbooks.

13. What kind of dog does Lady Bertram have?
(a) Boxer.
(b) Poodle.
(c) Spaniel.
(d) Pug.

14. What vocation is Edmund planning?
(a) Law.
(b) Merchant.
(c) Farming.
(d) Clergy.

15. How much income does Mr. Crawford have?
(a) Twelve thousand dollars a year.
(b) One thousand dollars a year.
(c) Four thousand dollars a year.
(d) Six hundred dollars a year.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Fanny describe Mary during a conversation with Edmund early in the novel?

2. What does Edmund think of the choice of play?

3. What instrument does Mary play?

4. What does Tom want to do to create a better play?

5. What color is Fanny's pony?

(see the answer keys)

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