Man's Search for Meaning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man's Search for Meaning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Frankl write that Freudian psychotherapy deals with spiritual issues?
(a) They are dealt with directly, and with respect for the difficulty that many patients have with these issues.
(b) Spiritual issues are not dealt with in psychotherapy.
(c) Frankl writes that spirituality is dealt with by Freudian psychologists as a central issue in life, but it should be addressed with religious leaders.
(d) They are not dealt with directly, but they are seen as having instinctual roots.

2. When a journalist asked Frankl to describe logotherapy in a sentence, how did he respond?
(a) "Logotherapy teaches the patient patience."
(b) "In logotherapy the patient ... must hear things which sometimes are very disagreeable to hear."
(c) "My patients learn to handle suffering with love and dignity."
(d) "It is the therapy which takes love and spirituality so seriously that it may ... save the world."

3. What does the author have to do to satisfy the SS while filling in for the senior block warden?
(a) Create full written reports on each of his patience.
(b) Treat his patients to the best of his ability.
(c) Create a full report on the medicines and other supplies that he used.
(d) Keep the hut where sick inmates were located clean and orderly.

4. How important is the idea of individual choice for Frankl?
(a) Frankl considers this unimportant and inconsequential to happiness.
(b) Frankl believes that man is an accidental product of his environment.
(c) For Frankl, individual choice can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom.
(d) Frankl understands individual choice as a myth, since the concentration camps show that we react profoundly by stress.

5. What is the name of the school of therapy that Frankl stands for?
(a) Psychotherapy.
(b) Hypno-therapy.
(c) Behavioral therapy.
(d) Logotherapy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Frankl argue man determines about his life?

2. What is "hyper-intention"?

3. What role does suffering play in life, according to Frankl?

4. When comparing logotherapy and Freudian psychotherapy, what does Frankl write is the focus of logotherapy?

5. Frankl cites a study of students at Johns Hopkins University. What did the students cite as important to them?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Frankl write happened to prisoners who lost hope in the future?

2. How does Frankl see tension?

3. In logotherapy, what is the supra-meaning?

4. What is the "existential vacuum" that Frankl describes?

5. How does Frankl compare his logotherapy to Freud's psychoanalysis?

6. What does Frankl claim happened to the inner life of prisoners in concentration camp?

7. What is the importance of suffering for Frankl?

8. How does Frankl describe the character of the prisoners and the guards?

9. What was the third stage of a the prisoner's mental reaction? How does Frankl characterize this?

10. What prompted Frankl to speak to the prisoners about hope? What did he say?

(see the answer keys)

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