Man's Search for Meaning Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man's Search for Meaning Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was there a free fight among the prisoners?
(a) Before meal time, when prisoners competed for one of the limited number of two-course meals.
(b) Before there was a shipment of the feeble and inable to work, when prisoners struggled not to be transported to another site.
(c) Before work began daily, when prisoners competed to be assigned the first jobs, as these were the least physically demanding.
(d) Before bed, when men and women competed for a place on a soft bed.

2. What kind of sickness affected most of the prisoners in 1945?
(a) Scarlet Fever.
(b) Herpes.
(c) Measles.
(d) Typhus.

3. What was the main characteristic of the second phase of the prisoner's mental life?
(a) Love.
(b) Apathy.
(c) Anger.
(d) Violence.

4. Was there art in the concentration camp?
(a) Yes, there were gatherings with songs, poems, jokes, and some satire.
(b) Yes, there were many prisoners (including Frankl) who attempted literature.
(c) No, the prisoners were far too depressed to care for art.
(d) No, there was no such thing as the rules prohibiting self-expression were strict.

5. During the time that the author spent in concentration camps, what does he describe as his main work?
(a) Working in the kitchen.
(b) Cleaning the guards' living and work quarters.
(c) Preparing bodies for burial.
(d) Digging and laying tracks for railway lines.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were camp inmates frightened of decisions?

2. What characterizes the second phase of a prisoner's mental state?

3. What is the principal question that the author tries to address?

4. What did the prisoners think of indoor work?

5. What does Frankl believe explains the lack of sexual urge in the concentration camp?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who were termed "Moslems" in camp? What consequences did being called "Moslem" have?

2. Frankl writes that because of the harsh realities of camp life and the "constant necessity of concentrating on the task of staying alive," some of the prisoners "regressed" to a more primitive form of mental life. How does he see this manifest itself?

3. After the initial mental phase that was characterized by shock, what characterized the second phase that Frankl noticed in his fellow prisoners and in himself?

4. According to Frankl, what were the communal showers like? What was the attitude of the prisoners as they entered their first communal shower? Why is this important to Frankl?

5. In the section on "Experiences in a Concentration Camp," Frankl describes a physical condition that affected "nearly all the camp inmates." What was this condition? How did it affect Frankl?

6. Due to the difficult conditions and the need to fight for survival, which prisoners does Frankl claim were most likely to survive life in the concentration camp?

7. In the first section of Man's Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy, Frankl writes of his job working to lay tracks for a railway line. What was this job like? Who paid for it?

8. How were prisoners separated when they arrived at Auschwitz?

9. How does Frankl describe a "delusion of reprieve"?

10. In the first section of the text, "Experiences in a Concentration Camp," what groups does Frankl identify within the concentration camp? Which group does he focus on? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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