Man's Search for Meaning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man's Search for Meaning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened, according to the author, to the instinct to violence in the prisoners?
(a) It grew as they saw more and more violence.
(b) They reacted more and more irritably when faced with violence.
(c) It completely disappeared as they learned what being a victim was like.
(d) It decreased as they saw the harm violence made.

2. Frankl writes that values do not push, but pull people. Why does he make this distinction?
(a) To argue that man does not create values, but instead recognizes them.
(b) To show that they are part of the inner life of man.
(c) To show that there is always freedom of choice.
(d) To demonstrate that people are born with values.

3. What does Frankl claim is the most important part of suffering?
(a) How one uses it to serve others.
(b) One's attitude in the face of it.
(c) The way that one maintains peace in the face of hardship.
(d) The way that leads to love.

4. What "deep concern" does Frankl write helped him to survive Auschwitz?
(a) His desire to get even with the SS.
(b) His desire to serve others.
(c) His desire to rewrite a manuscript.
(d) His desire to find his mom.

5. How does Frankl write that love is interpreted in psychotherapy?
(a) As the result of early family dynamics.
(b) As an unimportant aspect of life.
(c) As a phenomenon of sexual drives and instincts.
(d) As a troublesome part of life that often leads to difficulty.

6. What choice does the author claim that people can control in difficult circumstances?
(a) "Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, or independence of mind..."
(b) "We can all always choose our breathing patterns, which influence our mood, and that influences our actions."
(c) "People, even in these horrible circumstances, can control the way that they treat others."
(d) "In any circumstance... man can choose his own reaction, we can all choose to focus on love."

7. What is the name of the school of therapy that Frankl stands for?
(a) Hypno-therapy.
(b) Psychotherapy.
(c) Logotherapy.
(d) Behavioral therapy.

8. How did Frankl himself realize he was free?
(a) Walking alone in a field, he fell to his knees, recalling his former prayers for freedom.
(b) He saw a former fellow prisoner, and they realized how different they each looked.
(c) He returned to work, and was treated with respect by his clients for the first time in years.
(d) When walking down the street, someone called his name, and he realized that he had his identity back.

9. What does Frankl claim about what man makes of himself?
(a) That he himself creates it.
(b) That it is the cause of suffering.
(c) That it is the result of his childhood.
(d) That his circumstances lead to it.

10. In logotherapy, how is the search for meaning seen?
(a) As important, but not necessary.
(b) As less important than just accepting suffering.
(c) As a game because there is no meaning.
(d) As a primary motivational force.

11. What does Frankl write was the most depressing feature of life in a concentration camp?
(a) Losing a sense of individuality.
(b) Feeling impotent to affect the future.
(c) Not knowing how long the imprisonment would last.
(d) Stress in general.

12. What kind of neuroses result from existential frustration?
(a) Depressive neuroses.
(b) Anxiety neuroses.
(c) Existential neuroses.
(d) Noogenic neuroses.

13. What kind of statue does Frankl argue should compliment the Statue of Liberty?
(a) A Statue of Memory.
(b) A Statue of Hope.
(c) A Statue of Responsibility.
(d) A Statue of Meaning.

14. Who does Frankl quote (more than once) as writing: "He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how."
(a) Christ.
(b) Confucius.
(c) Plato.
(d) Nietzche.

15. What did the camp doctor give his prisoners after they were liberated?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Magazines.
(d) Whiskey.

Short Answer Questions

1. For Frankl, what makes life meaningful and purposeful?

2. What does Frankl term supra-meaning?

3. What two kinds of people does Frankl say exist?

4. What question does Frankl claim that more and more doctors are confronted with?

5. Frankl writes that suffering is unavoidable, so what matters most in the way that we respond to suffering?

(see the answer keys)

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