Maniac Magee Test | Final Test - Easy

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Maniac Magee Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the raisins in the McNab house?
(a) Cat feces.
(b) Rat feces.
(c) Cockroaches.
(d) Raisins.

2. What do the Cobras do while Mars Bar and Maniac play games with the younger ones?
(a) They interrupt the games.
(b) They sit against the wall and watch Mars Bar.
(c) They play too.
(d) They ignore it all.

3. What are the cabins in Valley Forge?
(a) Family-owned campgrounds.
(b) Abandoned campsites.
(c) Replicas of army shelters.
(d) Run-down cabins from the Civil War.

4. What does Maniac do as a feat with the mysterious hole at the creek?
(a) Walks in it.
(b) Puts his leg in it.
(c) Puts his head in it.
(d) Puts his arm in it.

5. What does Mars Bar come to ask Maniac after the trolley incident?
(a) Why Maniac would not speak to anyone after the incident.
(b) Why Maniac was crying at the trolley.
(c) Why Maniac didn't stay after helping Russell.
(d) Why Maniac did not help Russell.

6. Why do Russell and Piper kick Maniac out of their house?
(a) He stomped on their guns until they were plastic splinters.
(b) He told them that they could not fight anymore.
(c) He started giving them orders.
(d) He yelled at them.

7. What does Maniac do after he sees Russell in trouble?
(a) He asks Mars Bar to save him.
(b) He walks away.
(c) He saves him.
(d) He runs for help.

8. What gift does Maniac bring Piper?
(a) A watch.
(b) A compass.
(c) Bubblegum.
(d) A baseball glove.

9. What does George McNab say as he leaves the room the day of the party?
(a) "Take the black kid out of my house."
(b) "Let me know when it leaves."
(c) "No Negroes are allowed in my house."
(d) "Nobody invited you."

10. How does Maniac convince Mars Bar to go to the West End?
(a) He threatens Mars Bar.
(b) He tells Mars Bar that he isn't as bad as he thinks he is.
(c) He calls Mars Bar a sissy.
(d) He bribes Mars Bar.

11. What last thing does Maniac do before he leaves the band shell?
(a) He paints over the number 101.
(b) He empties it.
(c) He destroys it.
(d) He throws out all of Grayson's belongings.

12. What does the trolley remind Maniac of?
(a) His parents' death.
(b) Traveling with his parents.
(c) Daredevil stunts he pulled.
(d) Going home.

13. What do the Cobras come to do in the McNab house?
(a) Drink soda and play video games.
(b) Drink beer and play cards.
(c) Drink beer and play football.
(d) Drink soda and play football.

14. What does Maniac do as a feat with the bison pen?
(a) Feeds the bison.
(b) Climbs the fence.
(c) Kisses the mother bison.
(d) Dances in front of the pen.

15. Why does Maniac take Mars Bar to the Pickwells?
(a) They asked Maniac to bring him.
(b) For a party.
(c) To see the best the West End had to offer.
(d) To make Mars Bar angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What story does Maniac tell to help John with his brothers?

2. What does Amanda do to wake up Maniac at the zoo?

3. What is Mars Bar afraid that Russell was going to do to after the trolley incident?

4. Where does Maniac sleep one night--just once in Chapter 43?

5. Who comes running up to Maniac after the race with Mars Bar is over?

(see the answer keys)

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