Manhunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Manhunt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Andy try to teach Alex?
(a) The basics of the fishing business.
(b) How to use the various tools in the shop.
(c) How to tie different kinds of knots.
(d) How to use the cash register.

2. What does Casey say to Alex that causes her to react defiantly in Chapter 7?
(a) Casey tells Alex that she will not last in Alaska.
(b) Casey tells Alex that she is a ditz.
(c) Casey tells Alex that he feels the need to protect her.
(d) Casey tells Alex that she isn't the type that can live alone.

3. What does Casey do with the customer in Chapter 6?
(a) Casey flirts with the customer.
(b) Casey convinces the customer to spend over $100.00.
(c) Casey tries to set Alex up with the customer.
(d) Casey tells the customer to leave.

4. How has Andy handled the changes at the store?
(a) He has resisted them.
(b) He has embraced them enthusiastically.
(c) He has ignored them completely.
(d) He has accepted them begrudgingly.

5. What color is Casey's hair?
(a) Raven.
(b) Brown.
(c) Strawberry-blond.
(d) Red.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Casey vow to do for Alex after they make love?

2. What does Alex wish she knew how to work?

3. Where does Alex learn that Casey went on his trip in Chapter 7?

4. When the man at the store asks Alex out, what does she do?

5. How long does Alex plan to stay in Alaska?

Short Essay Questions

1. While Casey is at work at the beginning of Chapter 5, what does Alex do to keep herself busy?

2. What does Casey do for Alex at the beginning of Chapter 6?

3. How does Casey react to the sight of Alex in his shirt?

4. What feeling does Alex fight off at the end of Chapter 7, and why?

5. What does Andy tell Alex that shocks her in Chapter 7?

6. Who arrives at Alex's store in Chapter 8, and why?

7. What happens to Alex's outhouse in Chapter 8?

8. Why does Alex threaten an electrician?

9. How has business been at Alex's store during her first few weeks?

10. What do Alex and Casey realize after sleeping with each other?

(see the answer keys)

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