Manhunt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Manhunt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Alex punish Casey in Chapter 8?
(a) By demanding use of his truck.
(b) By moving in with him.
(c) By deciding to marry another man.
(d) By moving back to New Jersey.

2. What does Casey grab from Alex's cabin after putting out her heater and lantern?
(a) Some dog food.
(b) Alex's lucky socks.
(c) Some of Alex's clothes.
(d) Alex's paperwork for the store.

3. Where had Casey been for the last three days before his visit to Alex's store in Chapter 6?
(a) Vancouver.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) Seattle.
(d) New Jersey.

4. Why does Alex find it difficult to start her kerosene heater in Chapter 8?
(a) Alex doesn't know how to use the heater.
(b) Alex's fingers are frozen stiff.
(c) The heater is broken.
(d) Alex broke her thumb at work.

5. What does Alex look forward to in Chapter 5?
(a) Alex looks forward to the Alaskan winter.
(b) Alex looks forward to the tests that the Alaskan life brings.
(c) Alex looks forward to showing the improved cabin to Casey.
(d) Alex looks forward to seeing the moose.

6. Why does Casey leave the house quickly the morning after they make love?
(a) To avoid his desires.
(b) To avoid talking about the previous night.
(c) To avoid Alex's cooking.
(d) There is an emergency at work.

7. Why does Casey feel guilty at the beginning of Chapter 7?
(a) Casey has tricked Alex into sleeping with him.
(b) Casey and Alex have slept together three times without protection.
(c) Casey has been sleeping with another woman.
(d) Casey realizes he doesn`t love Alex.

8. When the man at the store asks Alex out, what does she do?
(a) Alex runs away.
(b) Alex politely declines.
(c) Alex picks up an axe to threaten him.
(d) Alex accepts.

9. What does Alex find at Casey's house when she is picking up Bruno?
(a) A carton of sour milk.
(b) A love letter.
(c) A diamond ring.
(d) A suspicious receipt.

10. Who does Casey arrange to be sent to Alex's store in Chapter 6?
(a) A sign painter and a phone installer.
(b) A professional organizer.
(c) An interior designer.
(d) A plumber and electrician.

11. How has Andy handled the changes at the store?
(a) He has ignored them completely.
(b) He has embraced them enthusiastically.
(c) He has resisted them.
(d) He has accepted them begrudgingly.

12. Who walks in on Alex and Casey in Chapter 6?
(a) Andy.
(b) A customer.
(c) Harry.
(d) The electrician.

13. Why is Alex disappointed in Chapter 7?
(a) Alex is disappointed because Casey is a divorcee.
(b) Alex is disappointed because her cabin is not homey.
(c) Alex is disappointed because Casey has a son.
(d) Alex is disappointed because she has met so few men.

14. What is Harry unhappy about when he arrives in Alaska?
(a) The Alaskan weather.
(b) The state of the cabin.
(c) The changes in the store.
(d) The flight.

15. What does Harry make fun of when he arrives at the store?
(a) Alex's cross country skis.
(b) The stuffed grizzly bear.
(c) Alex's singed hair.
(d) The decor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Casey give Alex at the end of Chapter 5?

2. Where does Alex learn that Casey went on his trip in Chapter 7?

3. Why didn't Casey tell Alex about his wife and son?

4. What causes Alex to cry in Chapter 8?

5. As Casey escorts Alex to his house in Chapter 8, what is he afraid he will do?

(see the answer keys)

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