The Manchurian Candidate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Manchurian Candidate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Senator Jordan further state?
(a) He will be Iselin's right hand man in his run for office.
(b) He is not feeling well.
(c) He has not seen her husband this evening.
(d) He will instigate impeachment proceedings against Iselin if his name is brought forward for the vice-presidency at the party's convention.

2. What will Senator Iselin then do?
(a) Tell the world that Jocie and her father were Communists.
(b) Die a hero with his wife by his side.
(c) Strike a heroic pose and carry the dead candidate in his arms.
(d) Hunt for Raymond's murderer.

3. Chunjin drives him to the Jordan house and gives Shaw what?
(a) A large, sharp knife.
(b) A gun with a silencer.
(c) A rifle.
(d) A bottle of wine.

4. What does his mother also tell him?
(a) They are moving to Russia when this is all through.
(b) They are Communists.
(c) They will strike back against the Communists for using them in this fashion.
(d) He was never her son.

5. What does Marco have Rosie read?
(a) A transcript of a discussion between an FBI psychiatrist and Jocie.
(b) A newspaper article by Jocie.
(c) A letter from Jocie to him.
(d) An e-mail from Jocie.

6. What does Jocie tell the agent?
(a) She never liked Raymond.
(b) Raymond was a kind man.
(c) Raymond believed himself to be invisible.
(d) Raymond was cold to her.

7. How does Raymond snap out of his spell?
(a) Rosie enters looking for Marco.
(b) Jocie enters dressed as Cinderella.
(c) His mother returns dressed as the Queen of Hearts.
(d) The love of his heart combined with the symbol of his controllers melds at last

8. In what does Chunjin insist on driving his boss?
(a) A hummer.
(b) A bus.
(c) His car.
(d) A rented limousine.

9. As the presidential candidate reaches the point in his speech that will cue the gunshots, the FBI agents realize what?
(a) They are dead.
(b) They are too early.
(c) They are right on time.
(d) They are too late.

10. What has Shaw been having?
(a) Dinner with his mother.
(b) Stomach pains.
(c) Nightmares.
(d) Headaches.

11. What does Marco offer to help his friend write?
(a) A condolence letter to Jocie and develop a correspondence that will reestablish his intentions as a suitor.
(b) A condolence letter to Rosie and develop a correspondence that will reestablish his intentions as a suitor.
(c) A love letter to Jocie.
(d) A love letter to Rosie.

12. The candidates take the stage, and what does Raymond's mother surreptitiously give Johnny Iselin?
(a) A sedative to calm his nerves.
(b) A note.
(c) Poison.
(d) A kiss.

13. Meanwhile, what is Raymond's American field handler doing?
(a) Meeting with a Soviet colleague in a city cab.
(b) Searching for him.
(c) Being chased through the streets.
(d) Trying to contact him.

14. Soon, what does Raymond's mother scheme to announce?
(a) Rosie's return to the United States through the Society pages of Raymond's own paper, without informing her son of the development.
(b) Rosie's marriage to another man.
(c) Jocie's marriage to another man.
(d) Jocie's return to the United States through the Society pages of Raymond's own paper, without informing her son of the development.

15. What does the inebriated Mrs. Iselin proceed to do?
(a) Tell Raymond how much she cares for him.
(b) Give Raymond poisoned wine.
(c) Rape her mind-controlled son.
(d) Hug Raymond.

Short Answer Questions

1. What will soon happen?

2. From where does Shaw phone Marco?

3. Marco's squad on the floor watches the proceedings, while the top FBI agents do what?

4. What does the colonel reveal that his investigators have learned about Raymond?

5. What is the plan for Raymond?

(see the answer keys)

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