The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the main character confabulate?
(a) He cannot understand what people say
(b) He cannot figure out who others are
(c) He cannot perceive his right leg
(d) He cannot remember his own life story

2. William Penfield calls the disorder discussed in the chapter by what technical name?
(a) Mental Displopia
(b) Mental Degradation
(c) Mental Aphasia
(d) Mental Agnosia

3. What is the main character's affliction?
(a) She has reminiscence
(b) She is a retardate
(c) She has blindsight
(d) She is paralyzed

4. How do the twins score on IQ tests?
(a) Low
(b) Very low
(c) Very high
(d) Average

5. Who is the main character of this chapter?
(a) Martin
(b) Jimmie
(c) Mr. P
(d) Ray

6. Who is the main character in this chapter?
(a) Ray
(b) Jimmie
(c) Stephen
(d) Donald

7. How does the main character recall the murder?
(a) He gets hit by a car and can immediately remember the murder
(b) He gets hit by a car and goes into a coma
(c) He has a bike accident that puts him in a coma
(d) He gets his by a bat and can immediately remember the murder

8. How many characters does the main character identify himself as in front of Dr. Sacks?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 3

9. Who are the main characters in this chapter?
(a) Mrs. O'D and Mrs. O'Q
(b) Mrs. O'B and Mrs O'Q
(c) Mrs. O'C and Mrs. O'M
(d) Mrs. O'F and Mrs O'P

10. Things aren't real to the main character until he has?
(a) Heard Them
(b) Smelled Them
(c) Taste Them
(d) Touched Them

11. What happens when the twins are separated?
(a) They die from loneliness
(b) They can function normally in society
(c) They lose their ability to calculate
(d) They have higher IQ scores

12. How do the main character's symptoms progress?
(a) They shorten in time but do not become more frequent
(b) They become less frequent and she recovers
(c) They become more frequent and she becomes lost in them
(d) They lengthen in time but do not become more frequent

13. Later on in life, but before being separated, what entertainment venue do the twins participate in?
(a) Newspaper
(b) Radio
(c) Television
(d) Carnivals

14. When does the main character live?
(a) 12th century
(b) 16th century
(c) 1950s
(d) 19th century

15. The first main character discussed in detail exhibits what symptom?
(a) She finds herself trapped within memories of being in Ireland from time to time
(b) She is temporarily transported back to events from her teenage years each week
(c) She loses her sense of time and space
(d) She wakes up in the middle of the night hearing songs from her childhood

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the main character's affliction?

2. What happens to him after he commits murder?

3. Who does the main character kill?

4. How does the main character become himself again?

5. How does the main character describe what is happening to her?

(see the answer keys)

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