The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tagomi's experience in the all white diner and the discovery that he left his belongings in the park make him realize he must do?

2. At the start of Chapter 7, what is Childan's reason for being at the home of the Kasouras?

3. What does Abendsen's novel envision the American work force as being?

4. What does Tagomi fear about The Oracle that has him so upset?

5. What does Juliana forget to do when she speaks to Abendsen's wife?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 8, upon entering the Kasoura neighborhood, Childan thinks to himself, "I do not belong here." In what way is this statement true? What does the author draw upon from actual history to depict this scene?

2. Toward the end of Chapter 14, Reiss comes to visit Tagomi. What is the purpose of his visit? How does Tagomi react to this? What is this further revealing about Tagomi's character in light of the conflicts he has been facing, both externally and internally?

3. When the police approach Frank and arrest him, Frank thinks, "This is what the times require of us." What does this quote mean? What is the real reason Frank is being arrested? How does this arrest in this society reflect the quote?

4. Chapter 9 repeats a technique used by Philip Dick in earlier chapters. He presents multiple characters and scenarios within a single chapter. What three scenarios are presented, and who is included in each? How does Dick attain a sense of unity despite the differing scenarios?

5. In Chapter 8, Reiss receives two messages about individuals who have come into the PSA. What does he learn? What can we assume as a result?

6. Paul sees The Grasshopper Lies Heavy as being "possibly within the genre of science fiction." Betty disagrees because "science fiction deals with the future, in particular where science has advanced over now." Paul notes, however, that "it deals with an alternate present" as many well-known science fiction novels do. How do their definitions fit into the classifying of The High Castle as science fiction? Is there anything you would add to their definition?

7. Wegener speaks of the political situation of the Third Reich and its plans for Japan. As he explains what the Japanese must do to protect their own interests and country, Tagomi grows more and more upset. Why, if Wegener is trying to help, is Tagomi so disturbed?

8. Frank thinks Juliana may be able to help him and McCarthy sell their jewelry. He looks at this relationship as being strictly business. What qualities does he see in her that could be helpful? What does this further reveal about her character? Do you feel this is the real reason he would like to contact her?

9. Tagomi buys a piece of Edfrank Jewelry at Childan's suggestion. What selling angle does Childan use that convinces Tagomi to buy it? What does Tagomi hope to get from this purchase? What does this say about his present state of mind? What has the jewelry come to symbolize overall?

10. Reiss speaks about the "power of fiction" and sees The Grasshopper Lies Heavy as dangerous. In what way can it be dangerous?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The title of Abendsen 's novel is an allusion to Ecclesiastics, Chapter 5, verses 5-7 from the King James version of the Bible. This translates to say:

"Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way .... and the grasshopper be a burden, and desire shall

fail ...Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

Explain the significance of this allusion as it relates to The High Castle and its inner story, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy. Be specific in explaining how the above Biblical excerpt relates to the characters and the world in which they live.

Essay Topic 2

The characters of Paul, Tagomi, and Childan all have their "moments" with the Edfrank Jewelry. What makes this jewelry different? How has each character reacted to it? What does it come to symbolize overall? Be specific throughout your discussion.

Essay Topic 3

Towards the end of the novel the author points out the pessimistic attitude of Wegener and the optimistic conclusions of Juliana regarding the future of the world. Compare their specific viewpoints. How might their life situations reflect their particular views? In your opinion, who is more realistic about the world in which they live? Provide specific evidence from the novel to support your opinion.

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