The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Frank petrified when the police call him Fink?
(a) He will be sent back to Germany.
(b) They have him confused with a wanted criminal.
(c) They know he informed on Reiss.
(d) He has put Juliana in danger.

2. What is Juliana''s situation at the end of Chapter 13?
(a) She is planning to return to California.
(b) She is alone in a motel bed.
(c) She is moving in with the Abendsens.
(d) She is being pursued by the police.

3. What does Tagomi's experience in the all white diner and the discovery that he left his belongings in the park make him realize he must do?
(a) Refocus.
(b) Pray.
(c) Move elsewhere.
(d) Conform.

4. In Chapter 8, what disguised personage is Reiss alerted to through a radiogram from his superiors?
(a) An Italian diplomat.
(b) A German official.
(c) An American businessman.
(d) A Japanese general.

5. The fate of what real group of people does Childan's statement, "I am an outsider in my own country" bring to mind?
(a) Polish Immigrants.
(b) European pioneers.
(c) Native Americans.
(d) African slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Juliana forget to do when she speaks to Abendsen's wife?

2. When speaking to Betty Kasoura at her home, how is Childan feeling about her?

3. In what way does Frank feel Juliana can use her talent to help the Edfrank Jewelry business?

4. In Chapter 11, who is revealed to be the mystery Abwehr, Rudolf Wegener?

5. After telling Tagomi he can't return his Colt .44, what does Childan promise him the jewelry he buys will bring him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Tagomi's most prized possession a "perfectly preserved U.S. 1860 Civil War Colt .44, a treasured collector's item" changed in significance as the story progresses?

2. Tagomi buys a piece of Edfrank Jewelry at Childan's suggestion. What selling angle does Childan use that convinces Tagomi to buy it? What does Tagomi hope to get from this purchase? What does this say about his present state of mind? What has the jewelry come to symbolize overall?

3. In Chapter 8, upon entering the Kasoura neighborhood, Childan thinks to himself, "I do not belong here." In what way is this statement true? What does the author draw upon from actual history to depict this scene?

4. Wegener speaks of the political situation of the Third Reich and its plans for Japan. As he explains what the Japanese must do to protect their own interests and country, Tagomi grows more and more upset. Why, if Wegener is trying to help, is Tagomi so disturbed?

5. In Chapter 7, the reader learns more about Childan through his dialogue with the Kasouras and through a further glimpse into his inner thoughts. What do we learn about his political and cultural views? What does this say about his character? Are his views justified? Has your opinion of him changed at all since you first met him in Chapter 1?

6. As Juliana continues to read The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, the reader learns more of its contents. What are some ways Abendsen has changed the history of his world? What do Juliana's and Joe's reactions to these changes say about each of them?

7. What similarities can be seen between Tagomi's situation, actions, and reactions as Chapter 12 ends and those of Juliana as Chapter 13 ends?

8. Vom Meere tells Reiss he received an anonymous phone call from a Japanese official regarding an appointment with a Swedish industrialist. Who most likely made this call? Why? How does this later impact on him?

9. Juliana's words and thoughts seem jumbled and senseless at one point in Chapter 13 as she says things like, " Hair creates bear who removes spots in nakedness." and "However, only woman." What is the cause of this gibberish and disorientation? Do you feel this type of dialogue enhances or distracts from the storyline? Why?

10. Reiss speaks about the "power of fiction" and sees The Grasshopper Lies Heavy as dangerous. In what way can it be dangerous?

(see the answer keys)

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