The Man in the High Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the High Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ramsey feel about Tagomi's request that he select the gift for Baynes?
(a) Hurt.
(b) Afraid.
(c) Stunned.
(d) Honored.

2. In Chapter 6, what does Juliana realize Joe has done when she returns to her apartment?
(a) Gone through her belongings.
(b) Missed his truck intentionally.
(c) Invited over some friends.
(d) Rearranged his delivery schedule.

3. When Childan returns to his office in Chapter 4, who does the client waiting for him claim to represent?
(a) An Admiral of the Imperial Army.
(b) An agent from the Trade Commission.
(c) A leader of the Third Reich.
(d) A businessman from the Middle East.

4. What word best describes Wyndam-Matson's reaction when Rita tells him about The Grasshopper Lies Heavy?
(a) Mockery.
(b) Agreement.
(c) Confusion.
(d) Hope.

5. For what reason does Tagomi think Baynes is coming to visit him?
(a) To arrange for a trade agreement.
(b) To seek release of political prisoners.
(c) To share technological information.
(d) To mediate peace negotiations.

6. What image set forth in The Grasshopper Lies Heavy seems to upset Joe the most?
(a) The USA as a weakling.
(b) Japan as greedy.
(c) Germany as a hero.
(d) Italy as a traitor.

7. Because he is Swedish, who does Tagomi believe Mr. Baynes will probably politically favor?
(a) Americans.
(b) No-one.
(c) Japanese.
(d) Germans.

8. How would you describe the feelings attached to Juliana's and Joe's memories of "living under the Nazis"?
(a) They are influenced by their careers.
(b) They are defined by their experiences.
(c) They are the product of brainwashing.
(d) They are the result of psychotherapy.

9. What does Childan do as a result of what he has learned from the university in Chapter 4?
(a) He files an anonymous police report.
(b) He hires an armed night watchman.
(c) He seeks reimbursement from his supplier.
(d) He decides to close his shop.

10. What Joe does suggest that Abendsen's living in a place called The High Castle reflects?
(a) Vainly treating himself as royalty.
(b) Wisely seeking a peaceful retreat.
(c) Cowardly escaping adoring readers.
(d) Safely getting a world perspective.

11. According to Childan, what is special about some of the people his shop gives him the opportunity to meet?
(a) They share in his political views.
(b) They are willing to help others.
(c) They see him as a man.
(d) They can raise his social status.

12. What is Wyndam-Matson certain of when he hears Calvin's complaint?
(a) Calvin will go to the police.
(b) Childan is only looking for money.
(c) Frank and McCarthy are behind this.
(d) He will never be found out.

13. In Chapter 6, what does The Oracle predict that further distresses Tagomi?
(a) A global catastrophe..
(b) The destruction of the PSA.
(c) His own death.
(d) His wife will leave him.

14. In Chapter 3, what do we learn about how Juliana Frink makes her living?
(a) As an investigative reporter.
(b) As a diner waitress.
(c) As a social worker.
(d) As a judo instructor.

15. What has caused Africa to become a wasteland?
(a) American bombing.
(b) Asian exploitation of resources.
(c) Italian colonization.
(d) Nazi experimentation on humans.

Short Answer Questions

1. Joe's comments about the war and the Germans show that he is opposed to ___________.

2. What other name does the I Ching go by?

3. What is learned about the role of Blacks in the PSA?

4. How does Childan's ride in the pedicab make him feel?

5. What does Frank decide to do as a result of the Oracle's message?

(see the answer keys)

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