Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Corbett say plays an important part in the sport of hunting man-eaters?
(a) The other beings of the forest and the wind.
(b) All of the above.
(c) Monkeys and luck.
(d) The wind and a good hunting dog.

2. What tactic does Corbett decide to try when pursuing the tigress of Champawat is unsuccessful?
(a) A beat to drive her down a narrow gorge.
(b) Poison bait.
(c) Snare traps.
(d) Forest fire.

3. How does Corbett choose to approach the leopard?
(a) With all the men in long line moving forward together.
(b) He circles around him, spiraling inward.
(c) He sends Robin first to scare him out of cover.
(d) Creeping toward him in the cover of a fallen log.

4. Whose aid does Corbett unsuccessfully enlist to find the wounded Bachelor of Powalgarh?
(a) A band of monkeys.
(b) The other big game hunters after him.
(c) A small herd of water buffalo.
(d) All of his men.

5. Where does Corbett first see the Bachelor of Powalgarh?
(a) In a beautiful glade near his home.
(b) While hunting a man-eater in a neighboring province.
(c) After many days of stalking him.
(d) From the window of a train.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Corbett's overwhelming feeling immediately after he gets his first shot at the Bachelor of Powalgarh?

2. What do Corbett and Robin do when the leopard is so inaccessible?

3. What is unusual about the Bachelor of Powalgarh?

4. What does Corbett decide to do when stalking the Bachelor of Powalgarh?

5. What does Corbett unsuccessfully do to try and locate the wounded Bachelor of Powalgarh in dense bushes?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the encounter the author has a young boy with a tiger in the forest.

2. What happens when Corbett first gets a shot at the Bachelor of Powalgarh?

3. What goes wrong with the beat that Corbett plans to drive the tigress down a gorge? How does it all work out?

4. What opportunity does Corbett miss when he sees just the hind leg and tail of a tiger while stalking the wounded Bachelor of Powalgarh? Why does he make the decision that he does?

5. Explain how the chital is both a help and a hindrance to Corbett as he stalks the wounded leopard with Robin.

6. Why did the group of twenty men not pursue the woman they saw carried off? What happened when a rescue party did search for her?

7. Describe the affliction of the tigress of Muktesar and circumstance of her first human kills.

8. What happened to other hunters that nearly were able to shoot the Bachelor of Powalgarh? Tell how he escaped twice despite being only feet away from seasoned hunters that were hunting him.

9. Summarize the hunt for the leopard that Corbett tells which culminates in Robin leaving him in a tight corner.

10. Explain the connection between a disease epidemic and the resurgence of man-eating leopards.

(see the answer keys)

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