Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the young man and a group of men venture far from the village?
(a) In search of fodder for cattle.
(b) Three women were missing.
(c) To find the young man's father.
(d) They heard the tiger and decided to hunt it.

2. What lesson does Corbett teach the cub of Pipal Pani?
(a) People are to feared.
(b) How to catch peafowl.
(c) Not to approach his back yard.
(d) To be cautious returning to a kill.

3. What do the forest guard and fisherman allegedly trip over while fleeing from the man-eater of Mohan?
(a) A log.
(b) A sleeping bear.
(c) A snare trap for the tiger.
(d) Each other.

4. What does Corbett say plays an important role in our enjoyment of outdoor sports?
(a) The people with you.
(b) All of the above.
(c) The element of danger.
(d) The environment.

5. What is only two or three hundred yards from the Foresters hut where Corbett stays in Mohan?
(a) A tree where the tiger had killed just days before.
(b) None of the above.
(c) A hunters lookout.
(d) A village.

6. What animal does Corbett see and wish he could photograph in the story about the fish of his dreams?
(a) A langur.
(b) A python.
(c) A water fowl.
(d) A ghooral.

7. Who is with Corbett when he shoots the Thak man-eater?
(a) Eight villagers from Thak.
(b) Ibbotson.
(c) Four men and two goats.
(d) The men from the labor camp.

8. Who does Corbett stop and talk to on the train into the Mohan forest bungalow?
(a) None of the above.
(b) An old man who was attacked years before by the tiger.
(c) A terrified group of women.
(d) A group of hunters leaving the area.

9. What does the father do when he realizes his son is missing?
(a) Weep uncontrollably.
(b) Send a telegram to Corbett.
(c) Gather a group to go on a tiger hunt.
(d) Searches all night in the wilderness for him.

10. What is Corbett trying to film out in the submontane valley?
(a) A python.
(b) A rare butterfly.
(c) None of the above.
(d) A tigress and her cubs.

11. What is Corbett's first strategy to hunt the man-eater of Mohan?
(a) Beating the tiger out of a ravine.
(b) Watching t
(c) Keeping vigil on the road until the tiger passes.
(d) Staking out buffalo as bait.

12. Who tracks the man-eater or Thak the first time?
(a) Corbett, Ibbotson, and Tewari.
(b) Just Corbett.
(c) Three groups of three.
(d) Corbett and ten men from the village.

13. When does the Kanda tiger stalk and prepare to hunt the men from the village?
(a) When they sit to rest at the edge of the village.
(b) When they are cutting leaves from trees for fodder.
(c) When they are bringing buffalo for Corbett to use as bait.
(d) When they are traveling out of town.

14. What does a friend bring to Corbett from the scene where the tiger was shot at night?
(a) Some hairs.
(b) A bone shard.
(c) A tooth.
(d) A claw.

15. When Corbett is on a tall rock and thinks he sees the man-eater below him, what is he really looking at?
(a) The dead buffalo.
(b) A different tiger.
(c) The sunlight on grass with a dark rock behind.
(d) None of the above.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Corbett discover the morning after the storm when he checks on the first buffalo he staked out in hopes of luring the Mohan man-eater?

2. When Corbett returns to Thak the second time, what is creating a lot of noise in the area?

3. What does Corbett recommend great care be taken over when stalking tigers at their kills?

4. What does Corbett get distracted admiring as he is inspecting the road?

5. Who does the Thak man-eater cow into silence when they shout at her?

(see the answer keys)

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