Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Man-eaters of Kumaon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jim Corbett (hunter)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did the tigress of Muktesar start killing people specifically for her to eat?
(a) Her second victim.
(b) Her third victim.
(c) Her first victim.
(d) Only after her cubs were grown.

2. What conclusion does Corbett draw from differences between man-eating tigers and man-eating leopards?
(a) Leopards are more fond of human flesh than tigers.
(b) Leopards are easier to catch directly after a kill.
(c) Leopards are remarkably hard to track.
(d) Because they are unafraid of people, tigers are easier to kill.

3. What drove the tigress of Muktesar to start eating human flesh?
(a) An old gunshot would in her leg.
(b) Mange.
(c) A woman cutting grass near her lair.
(d) Injuries from a porcupine.

4. Why do the Vivians miss their opportunity to kill the man-eater of Chowgarh?
(a) The man-eater senses their presence and stays hidden.
(b) In the murky light they mistake it for a bear.
(c) They miss the shot.
(d) The gun jams and does not fire.

5. Why does Corbett ask that the government rewards for the Champawat Man-eater be cancelled?
(a) He feels that people would come to disrespect tigers.
(b) He knows India can't afford it.
(c) He's afraid it will cause people to try and "make" man-eaters to be killed for reward.
(d) He does not want to be classified as a reward hunter or risk being shot by other hunters.

6. Where does Corbett spend his first night in pursuit of the Chowgrarh tiger?
(a) Up a tree.
(b) In the village square comforting the locals.
(c) None of the above.
(d) In a luxury tourist bungalow.

7. What happens to the girl the Chowgarh man-eater leaves wounded?
(a) She dies weeks later of infection.
(b) She is left in the square where the tiger kills her that night.
(c) She dies minutes later.
(d) She heals.

8. Why does the little boy Corbett remembers not fear tigers when he sleeps in the woods?
(a) He was raised by a tigress.
(b) He knows he is not in a tiger's territory.
(c) He knows tigers do not hurt people if they are left alone.
(d) He had a charm put on him as a baby to thwart tigers.

9. What does Corbett learn from the Chital?
(a) The leopard is near death.
(b) A second leopard showed up.
(c) The leopard is alive and moving.
(d) The wounded leopard was sighted miles from the spot.

10. Who was Robin amongst the litter?
(a) The only one with no white on him.
(b) The smallest and thinnest.
(c) The largest and most aggressive.
(d) The only one left.

11. What reputation does Corbett admit to having earned?
(a) Being keener on photographing animals than killing them.
(b) Being short tempered.
(c) Being difficult to work with in the field.
(d) Being a trophy and reward hunter.

12. Which of the following is NOT a natural circumstance which may incite any tiger to kill a human?
(a) A wounded tiger.
(b) A person entering the tiger's territory.
(c) A tiger on a fresh kill.
(d) A tigress with small cubs.

13. Which of the following best characterizes the Bachelor of Powalgarh?
(a) The most sought after big game trophy in the province.
(b) The youngest man-eater.
(c) The old foe of a renowned hunter.
(d) A tiger of the most unusual color.

14. How had the Champawat tigress killed the last victim prior to Corbett's arrival?
(a) Pulled her down by a foot while she was climbing out of a tree.
(b) Snuck into her house and drug her away at night.
(c) Jumped on her while she was cutting grass.
(d) Pulled her off a path from the next village.

15. Where does Corbett wait for the Bachelor of Powalgarh?
(a) None of the above.
(b) In a tree.
(c) Wedged in between two rocks.
(d) Lying down in the open.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nerve does Robin have that he is unable to control?

2. How does the tigress come to be the Champawat Man-eater?

3. Which of the following is something that the frequency with which a man-eater will kill depends on?

4. What happens while Corbett is writing the story about Robin?

5. What does Corbet wedge into his door to get ventilation but keep the tiger out?

(see the answer keys)

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