The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rangi tell Nataraj when she comes to his home?
(a) All of the above.
(b) Vasu has summoned her and she is afraid what he will do.
(c) Her mother needs protection.
(d) She is concerned about Nataraj.

2. What problem was encountered printing the poet's manuscript?
(a) They ran out of black ink and had to use magenta.
(b) They had misplaced the original manuscript.
(c) They did not have the special binding to present the work to the temple.
(d) They ran out of the letters K and R.

3. Who comes to visit Nataraj at home while he is resting?
(a) Sen and the poet.
(b) Muthu, Sen, the poet, Dr Joshi, and Rangi.
(c) Rangi
(d) Muthu, Sen, and Rangi.

4. What does Nataraj try to do for the poet?
(a) Nataraj tries to convince the poet to write another book.
(b) Nataraj tries to print a delux version of the poets book.
(c) Nataraj invites the poet to move into the attic.
(d) Nataraj tries to give the poet the stuffed tiger cub.

5. What did the police find that they tried to discover the origins of?
(a) Vasu's guns.
(b) The money Vasu had collected for the procession.
(c) The food Rangi had brought Vasu.
(d) The tiger skins.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Nataraj and Sastri raise money for the celebration?

2. What strikes Nataraj about the scene when he sees Vasu?

3. What does Rangi say about her whereabouts the night of the procession?

4. What does Nataraj's wife force him to do when she takes him home from the celebration?

5. What is the overriding emotion in Vasu's plans to shoot Kumar?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sastri learn from Rangi about how Vasu died?

2. Why did Muthu come to the press to visit Nataraj?

3. Describe the uncomfortable interaction between Nataraj and the poet when Nataraj sees the poet passes by the fountain.

4. What is the celebration that is planned, and who is planning it?

5. What does Rangi's visit to Nataraj change at Nataraj's house? How?

6. What is the night and morning before the celebration like for Nataraj?

7. What is the final interaction that Nataraj has with the adjournment lawyer? How is this different than the previous ones?

8. What did the police determine killed Vasu? Who were there suspects?

9. How is Vasu's death discovered and made known?

10. What is Nataraj's first plan to keep Vasu from shooting Kumar?

(see the answer keys)

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