The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What emotion does Nataraj experience while actually printing the book for the poet?
(a) Sorrow.
(b) Irritation.
(c) Elation.
(d) Awe.

2. What date do Nataraj and Sastri choose for the celebration?
(a) Kumar's birthday.
(b) The good day.
(c) The not so good day.
(d) The only day the press had off.

3. What does the chemical analysis determine about the food Rangi had left for Vasu?
(a) It came from a local restaurant.
(b) It had killed him.
(c) It had no trace of poison.
(d) It was poisoned.

4. What does Nataraj remove from Vasu's apartment?
(a) Rangi's food bag and the green folder.
(b) Vasu's purse and the stuffed tiger cub.
(c) The gun and Rangi's food bag.
(d) The green folder and the stuffed tiger cub.

5. How do Nataraj and Sastri raise money for the celebration?
(a) They charge Vasu rent.
(b) They ask for donations.
(c) They sell copies of the book.
(d) Nataraj charges extra on all printing jobs.

6. What help does Nataraj seek from Sen?
(a) Nataraj asks Sen how to defeat a rakshasa.
(b) Nataraj asks Sen to act as a go between him and the lawyer.
(c) Nataraj asks Sen to help him find the doctor for Kumar.
(d) Nataraj wants Sen to give a message to Vasu.

7. What does Nataraj's wife force him to do when she takes him home from the celebration?
(a) Confront Vasu.
(b) Eat and sleep.
(c) Tell her what's going on.
(d) See a doctor.

8. What was the town saying about Nataraj after Vasu's death?
(a) That he should be elected to public office.
(b) That he had killed a rakshasa single handedly.
(c) That he had saved Kumar's life.
(d) That he should leave the neighborhood.

9. What reason does Sastri give for being delayed returning from his niece's wedding?
(a) None of the above.
(b) After the wedding they went on a pilgrimage.
(c) He was investigating the murder.
(d) He was staying away until the dust settled about Vasu.

10. Who is Kumar?
(a) A wild elephant that has been seen around town.
(b) The temple elephant.
(c) An elephant trainer of great repute.
(d) The mayor of Mempi.

11. What is Nataraj's idea to keep Kumar safe?
(d) To take Vasu with him into the crowds where it will be hard for him shoot Kumar.

12. What does Nataraj first credit the tapping on the grill he hears to?
(a) A ghost.
(b) Vasu.
(c) A faulty mechanism in the press.
(d) The hyena.

13. Where does Nataraj know the unexpected visitor from in the beginning of chapter seven?
(a) He is the police inspector from the bus.
(b) He is the tea-shop man from Mempi.
(c) He is the adjournment lawyer's assistant.
(d) He is a second cousin.

14. Who killed Vasu and how?
(a) Rangi poisoned Vasu.
(b) None of the above.
(c) Vasu killed himself slapping mosquitos on his forehead.
(d) Muthu and other hunters struck him while he slept.

15. What does Rangi tell Nataraj about her future with Vasu?
(a) He is going to take her away to Bombay where she will cook for him.
(b) Vasu has proposed marriage to her.
(c) They have no future plans and she will no longer come to him.
(d) He has paid her in advance for her services for an entire year.

Short Answer Questions

1. What problem was encountered printing the poet's manuscript?

2. What does Sastri do when he hears of Vasu's demise?

3. How does Nataraj get back to town?

4. What does Nataraj say was the greatest damage caused by the man-eater?

5. What did the police find that they tried to discover the origins of?

(see the answer keys)

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