The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man-Eater of Malgudi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the dynamics between Vasu and the poet?
(a) They are mutually respectful but distant.
(b) The poet refuses to hear Vasu talk.
(c) They knew each other previously.
(d) Vasu gets the poet to move from the Queen Anne chair when he arrives.

2. What action does Nataraj take regarding Vasu?
(a) He pins a note on his door asking him to come talk to him, then tells him he needs the room.
(b) He summons the police to evict him.
(c) He decides make Vasu's life difficult and hope he leaves.
(d) He confronts Vasu and tells him he must leave in a week.

3. What does Vasu receive from the forestry department?
(a) A book of forestry rules.
(b) A warning about trespassing into the forest.
(c) A big game hunting license.
(d) A permit to go into forest and shoot duck and deer.

4. What does Nataraj say about Vasu's proposal in the attic?
(a) Nataraj is ecstatic about his friend having a reason to be there more often.
(b) Nataraj never answers but Vasu moves in anyway.
(c) Nataraj debates carefully and decided the extra income would be beneficial.
(d) Nataraj is against the idea.

5. What was lost when Nataraj's grandmother passed away?
(a) The stories of Nataraj's grandfather, an elephant handler.
(b) All documentation of Nataraj's existence.
(c) Family unity between the five brothers and their families.
(d) The ancestral home of the family.

6. How does Nataraj feel about having the taxidermy business upstairs?
(a) He thinks it is sort of neat but dislikes the smell.
(b) None of the above.
(c) He wishes he could create such life like creations.
(d) It horrifies him.

7. What does Nataraj call Vasu?
(a) The life of his office.
(b) His best friend.
(c) A man-eater.
(d) His tenant.

8. How does Nataraj feel about people coming through the blue curtain into the back of the press?
(a) Only people on business are allowed past the curtain into the back.
(b) The curtain is often left open for conversation and light to pass.
(c) The curtain is a barrier between two worlds and people are not invited to pass.
(d) Nataraj hates the curtain but Sastri insists on keeping it up for privacy.

9. In the beginning of chapter two, what are Nataraj and Sastri printing?
(a) Invitations to a festival.
(b) Colour labels for K.J.'s aerated drinks.
(c) The daily newspaper.
(d) Business cards for a taxidermist.

10. What makes Vasu change and become soft and agreeable?
(a) When Nataraj threatens to evict him.
(b) The presence of an official.
(c) The presence of women.
(d) When everyone compliments him.

11. Who currently lives in the house on Kabir Street?
(a) A famous elephant trainer.
(b) The owners of the Star.
(c) Just Nataraj.
(d) Nataraj, his wife, and son Babu.

12. What does speaking to Vasu remind Nataraj of?
(a) Taming a wild tiger.
(b) Speaking to his father when he was a little boy.
(c) None of the above.
(d) Speaking with a foreigner.

13. What does Nataraj have stashed away up in his attic that he wishes to be rid of?
(a) Old newspapers, magazines and other waste paper.
(b) Several animals stuffed by a taxidermist.
(c) All of the above.
(d) Scorpions and snakes.

14. Who interrupts Vasu and Nataraj's conversation? What is Vasu's reaction?
(a) The poet interrupts them, and Vasu ignores him.
(b) A woman interrupts them, and Vasu falls respectfully silent when she approaches.
(c) Babu, Nataraj's son interrupts them, and Vasu brushes him off.
(d) Sastri interrupts them, and Vasu yells at him.

15. What had lived before in the house on Kabir street?
(a) A wealthy family that wanted Nataraj to marry their daughter.
(b) The owner of the Star.
(c) Nataraj's extended family, consisting of four uncles and their families.
(d) A taxidermist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sen like to discuss?

2. Which of the following best describes a philosophy practiced by Vasu?

3. Why was Nataraj a little disappointed that Vasu was not drunk during the jeep ride to Mempi?

4. How does Nataraj control the situation in his parlor?

5. Where is the village of Mempi?

(see the answer keys)

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