Mama's Bank Account Character Descriptions

Kathryn Forbes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mama's Bank Account Character Descriptions

Kathryn Forbes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This positive person values family above possessions and money.

Katrin the Narrator

This person enjoys writing and daydreaming.


This character has a good work ethic and is a good student.


This character chooses work over going to school.


This character has a love of animals.


This person is a simple character and enjoys being alone or sitting quietly.

The Aunts

This group of people tend to be cranky, yet they are always loyal.

Uncle Chris

This character is a trouble-making, loudmouth with a surprising secret.

Mr. Hyde

This person loves to read the children stories.

Miss Grimes

This character is mean and racist.

Hester, Thyra, Mary, and Madeline

This group of characters causes the narrator and her friend grief.

Carmelita Vanetti

This person has many things in common with the narrator.

Aunt Elna

This person has a hard time finding a job.

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