Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Karen McCarthy Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Karen McCarthy Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is this ritual feeding held?

2. In Haiti, before she moved to America, Alourdes, like most other Haitian women, did whatever it took to feed herself and her family, including what?

3. Philomise is the ________________ daughter of Marie Noelsine, the family beauty.

4. There are _______ different subdivisions of Ogou.

5. In this chapter we learn about Alourdes' Grandmother, ______________.

Short Essay Questions

1. How is jealousy significant in Haiti?

2. How does jealousy affect the plot of this story?

3. What is the connection between one's power and the will of the spirits in the world of Vodou?

4. What does the author say is the purpose of every other chapter in the book? What does this reveal about the author's role in writing these chapters?

5. What do most Americans think of "voodoo?"

6. What is it like being a manbo? How does Alourdes feel about this?

7. What sets Alourdes further apart from the poor Haitians?

8. How do Alourdes and Maggie feel in American culture? Should they feel this way? Why or why not?

9. What is the moral of the story in this chapter? How is this a significant lesson to learn?

10. How does this similarity relate to their decision to take up the ason and serve the spirits?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The life of a Manbo is difficult.

Part 1) Describe the life of a manbo. How is it a part of Alourdes' family history? How has it affected her family? Is this good or bad? Why?

Part 2) How has the role of the manbo become increasingly necessary in Haitian culture? How does this affect Alourdes and other manbos? What does this also do to Vodou and its importance in Haitian culture?

Part 3) How have changes in our own culture led to more or less emphasis on religion? How is this seen in other cultures as well?

Essay Topic 2

Karen's involvement in Vodou develops throughout this book.

Part 1) Describe Karen's involvement in Vodou at the beginning of this book? What has drawn her to Mama Lola and the subject of Vodou?

Part 2) How do her feelings regarding Vodou change over the course of the book? What causes these changes? How does this in turn change significant aspects of Karen's life and beliefs?

Part 3) What were your original beliefs regarding Vodou prior to reading this book? How did your views change over the course of reading this book? What led to these changes? How might these changes affect your beliefs regarding other religions and beliefs?

Essay Topic 3

Ezili represents the many facets of womankind.

Part 1) Who is Ezili? Describe the many forms of Ezili. Why is this significant in Haitian culture? What does it reveal about Haitian women?

Part 2) With which Ezili do you most relate? Why? Who in our own culture might represent the same type of woman as this Ezili?

Part 3) What women in our own culture best represent American women? Why? Are these the same women the American media promotes? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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